Press releases

TI BiH and CIN Present Findings on Public Administration Reform Monitoring

The representatives of CIN will present their findings on the financial privileges of the elected officials in BiH. The conference is organized within the project “Public...

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TI BiH and CIN Present Findings on Public Administration Reform Monitoring

The representatives of CIN will present their findings on the financial privileges of the elected officials in BiH.

The conference is organized within the project “Public Administration Reform Monitoring- PARM”, financially supported by the Swedish International Development Agency and the Government of Denmark. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to better implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy and greater participation of civil society organizations in the reform processes with the aim of creating more transparent, efficient and effective public administration that would be useful to all citizens. Also, this project aims to indicate immediate and concrete impact of the implementation of the public administration reform, as well as to determine the progress of the implementation of the main goals of the institutional reform and public administration reform.

The conference will be held on Friday, 13th March 2015, with the beginning at 10.30 a.m. at the Hotel Bristol in Sarajevo. The agenda is attached below. Statements to the media are scheduled for 10.15 a.m.


TI BiH and Open Knowledge Foundation are Organizing Round Table on ‘Open Data Readiness in BiH Institutions’

Sarajevo, 26th February 2015 – The aim of the project is to exploit experiences gained by the NGO representatives, journalists and researches whose work focuses on transparency...

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TI BiH and Open Knowledge Foundation are Organizing Round Table on ‘Open Data Readiness in BiH Institutions’

Sarajevo, 26th February 2015 – The aim of the project is to exploit experiences gained by the NGO representatives, journalists and researches whose work focuses on transparency and accountability, and to share experiences and challenges in collecting data from the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially when it comes to collection of data pertaining to budget spending and employment within the Institutions of BiH.

The round table is organized within the project Open Data Readiness Assessment, supported by Ministry of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, whose purpose is to assess the current situation regarding the openness of government and to create the Action Plan that will include recommendations for improving transparency of public data in BiH.

The round table will be held on Friday, 27th February 2015, with the beginning at 09:00 pm, in the UN premises in BiH, Zmaja od Bosne Street. The agenda is attached below. Statements to the media are scheduled for 09.15 pm.

TI BiH and Open Knowledge Foundation are Organizing Round Table on

Enable a transparent privatization process in the FBiH

Banja Luka, 24. February 2015 — Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) sent a letter to the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry of the Federation of...

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Enable a transparent privatization process in the FBiH

Banja Luka, 24. February 2015 — Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) sent a letter to the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry of the Federation of BiH with a call for cooperation in monitoring the announced privatization of 14 companies in FBiH.

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is at 152. gave its consent to the Privatization Plan and the Financial Plan of the Privatization Agency in FBiH for 2015. year, where the plan covers the privatization of 14 companies, and TI BiH plans to be involved in monitoring the privatization process of these companies, in order to enable transparency of the entire process.

Given the damage done so far by non-transparent privatization agreements and the fact that subsequent privatization audits have not yielded results, it is important to take this opportunity to involve the public and civil society in privatization monitoring and contribute to more transparent and successful privatization of companies of strategic importance. FBiH.

TI BiH also mentioned that the public interest is greater in that there have already been attempts at privatization for some companies, and that in the case of Bosnalijek, an investigation has been launched by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH due to abuses in stock trading and other illegalities.

Due to all the above, TI BiH hopes that the FBiH Government and the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry will this time ensure transparency and conduct the privatization process respecting the public interest, and enable independent monitoring of privatization, in order to prevent abuses in previous cases. privatizations have caused irreparable damage to the BiH economy.
Press rls – 24 2 2015 doc



TI BiH requires the RS Government to prove the justification for the construction of a facility for RS representatives in BiH institutions

Banja Luka, 19. February 2015 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina demands from the Government of Republika Srpska to explain to the public the purpose and...

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TI BiH requires the RS Government to prove the justification for the construction of a facility for RS representatives in BiH institutions

Banja Luka, 19. February 2015 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina demands from the Government of Republika Srpska to explain to the public the purpose and purpose of building a facility in the area of East Sarajevo that will allegedly serve to accommodate representatives of Republika Srpska in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Considering that funds from the BiH Budget are already being allocated for the costs of accommodation of representatives in BiH institutions, TI BiH believes that the purpose of the facility to be built is not clear and that the RS Government goes beyond its competence and allocates huge funds without any need. in the amount of 26.6 million KM. It is especially disputable that the Budget of the Republic of Srpska for 2015. year, no funds have been provided for the facility whose construction is announced, so the question arises from which funds it is intended to finance this facility.

TI BiH sent a request for access to information to the Government of Republika Srpska requesting copies of the Decision on approval of the draft Agreement on the sale of real estate between the Government of RS and the company “Megasan” doo Pale, which appears in the role of seller of the facility. sale of real estate, as well as information on who exactly will be entitled to accommodation in the disputed facility.

Apart from the fact that the Government of the Republika Srpska pompously announces the construction of a facility whose purpose is not clear, at an unrealistic price and without the funds available for this purpose, it is doing so in a year when austerity measures and rationalization of public spending are announced. TI BiH demands from the Government of the Republika Srpska to prove the justification of the construction of a separate facility, as well as to explain to the public of the Republika Srpska from which funds the construction will be financed.

Press rls – 19 2 2015 doc

TI BiH is Organizing Round Table on Recruitment in Public Sector

Sarajevo, 18th February 2015 – TI BiH will use this opportunity to present its experience based on citizens’ complaints about the recruitment process in public sector. The...

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TI BiH is Organizing Round Table on Recruitment in Public Sector

Sarajevo, 18th February 2015 – TI BiH will use this opportunity to present its experience based on citizens’ complaints about the recruitment process in public sector. The main goal of this round table is to present and discuss about shortcomings of the law in order to regulate the way of employment in the civil service and public institutions/enterprises, and to indicate the legal and bylaw solutions in certain areas.

The round table will be attended by representatives of the Civil Service Agency and other relevant institutions, as well as representatives of civil society and the media.

The round table will be held on Thursday, 19th February 2015, with the beginning at 10:30 a.m., at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo.

TI BiH is Organizing Round Table on Recruitment in Public Sector

The director of the RS Banking Agency told the citizens to control the work of the banks themselves

Banja Luka, 13. February 2015 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) strongly condemns the statement of the director of the Banking Agency of the...

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The director of the RS Banking Agency told the citizens to control the work of the banks themselves

Banja Luka, 13. February 2015 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) strongly condemns the statement of the director of the Banking Agency of the Republika Srpska, Slavica Injac, who told the citizens that they should take care of the banks’ operations. After the session of the RS National Assembly, at which the report of the RS Banking Agency was adopted, on the occasion of the closure of Bobar Bank and doubts about the stability of banks, but also the work of the Agency, Injac said: “He who has more funds should have more economic knowledge and monitor audit reports, bank websites and seek information from banks themselves. ”

In this way, the director of the RS Banking Agency not only made the existence of the supervisory institution of the banking system headed by her meaningless, but she practically told Bobar Bank’s clients that they were to blame for being damaged by its collapse. TI BiH reminds that the Law on the RS Banking Agency stipulates that the Agency was just established for the purpose of regulating and controlling the banking system. Also, the Statute of the Agency stipulates that the Agency informs the public by providing timely information, issuing official publications, holding press conferences and creating conditions for informing the public about the work of the Agency. TI BiH believes that it is impossible to create such conditions if the director of the RS Banking Agency tells the citizens to take care of the stability of banks by searching for information.

With this statement, Injac damaged the reputation of the Agency, for which the Law on the RS Banking Agency provides for the possibility of dismissal, and questioned the meaning of the regulatory body by telling citizens to control the work of banks. TI BiH notes that it is inadmissible for the director of the supervisory agency that controls the stability of the banking system to openly tell the users of financial services to take care of their banks’ operations by educating or searching for information.

Therefore, TI BiH demands that this scandalous statement be announced by the Agency’s Management Board and the Minister of Finance of the Republika Srpska, and that a procedure be initiated to determine the responsibility of the Agency and its management for the collapse of Bobar Bank, as well as to be held responsible for all abuses. until its liquidation. Otherwise, the damaged public trust in the work of the RS Banking Agency will be deepened, especially now that Injac has actually said that there is no need for the Agency to exist as a mediator between citizens and financial organizations.
Press rls – 13 2 2015

Commission for Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of RS without independent members

Banja Luka, 12. February 2015 – For the second time, Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) received a Notice from the RS Ministry of Justice annulling...

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Commission for Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of RS without independent members

Banja Luka, 12. February 2015 – For the second time, Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) received a Notice from the RS Ministry of Justice annulling the Public Call for Appointment of Members of the Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation Commission on behalf of civil society, media and academia. organizations.

The first Public Invitation was published in April 2014. It was annulled due to the fact that there were no applications from the academic community and the media, and two applications were received from civil society organizations, including TI BiH. The repeated public call was announced in August 2014, and TI BiH only received an official notification after 6 months that the call was canceled again, because there were no registered candidates in front of the academic community. This Notice does not state that the Public Invitation will be re-announced, which leads to the conclusion that the Commission for the Implementation of the Strategy will be left without independent members.

Apart from the devastating fact that the academic community is not interested in participating in this body, TI BiH also considers unacceptable the approach of the RS Government, ie the Ministry of Justice, which twice annuls the entire Public Invitation, although members of civil society and media could be appointed. It is obvious that there was no intention to enable the participation of civil society, at least as a supervision over the work of the Commission, because certainly only an observer role is envisaged for these members.

Regardless of the attempts to prevent independent supervision of the work of institutions, TI BiH will monitor the implementation of the Strategy, if its implementation is started, given that the previous RS Anti-Corruption Strategy did not yield any results, nor was there a methodology for monitoring its implementation by the institutions in charge of implementing the Strategy.
Press rls – 12 2 2015 doc

By far the highest number of reports of corruption in the state administration

The Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina Anti-Corruption Legal Aid Center (TI BiH), a project supported by the Governments of Norway and Germany, as well as Civil...

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By far the highest number of reports of corruption in the state administration

The Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina Anti-Corruption Legal Aid Center (TI BiH), a project supported by the Governments of Norway and Germany, as well as Civil Rights Defenders, was launched in 2014. received 1149 calls via the toll-free line for reporting corruption cases ( 0800-55555 ), and a large number of reports arrived electronically, ie to the e-mail address or via the website .

TI BiH treated the relevant institutions on the basis of 181 cases, and by far the largest number in 2014. (30.3%) referred to the state administration, then from the category of other, which refers to various inquiries of citizens, especially in the areas affected by floods and landslides (16.5%), justice (10.4%) and education 9.3%).

As in previous years, most of the applications were related to irregularities in the employment process, so irregular competitions were announced for the admission of civil servants at all levels of government, as well as the admission of employees in public institutions and public companies. The number of applications for the work of public companies and public institutions has increased, and the applications most often referred to the process of public procurement and direct agreements with bidders.

The large number of reports in the remaining category is due to the fact that BiH was affected by floods and landslides, and more than 500 reports related to irregularities in the allocation of humanitarian aid and the list of damages.

In 12 cases, TI BiH acted on the basis of complaints about the work of judicial institutions, mostly reporting the length of court proceedings, failure of the prosecutor’s office to respond to citizens’ reports and delays, resulting in statute of limitations or a decision not to conduct an investigation. One report related to the work of the Chief Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and was submitted anonymously by the Prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.

As one of the successful examples, TI BiH singles out the case of a party from Sarajevo that managed to protect its private property after a long struggle with the administration of the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo due to illegal construction by an investor who tried to build on his land. TI BiH’s legal advisers advised foreigners to submit a request for protection of constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms in order to finally enforce the municipality’s decision to demolish the illegal building, and assisted foreigners in drafting the request. The court accepted the request and the building was demolished, and thanks to the help of TI BiH’s legal advisers, the party was able to protect its property.

However, the increased number of reports, as well as complaints about the work of judicial bodies, testify that the prosecution of corruption is still at an unsatisfactory level. Improper application of the Law on Freedom of Access to Information is still visible, and TI BiH filed 32 lawsuits against institutions that violated the law last year alone, while 6 verdicts were issued from previously initiated proceedings for violating FOIA in favor of TI BiH.

TI BiH once again appeals to all those who were witnesses or victims of corruption to report all observed irregularities to the competent institutions and through the toll-free line 0800 55555 or the website .
Press rls – 5 2 2015 doc


The beginning of the cooperation of TI BiH with the Federation of Cities and Municipalities of RS and the Federation of Cities and Municipalities of FBiH on the project “Strengthening the integrity of local governments”

Memoranda of Cooperation were signed within the project “Strengthening Integrity in Local Self-Governments (SILG)”, which is financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of...

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The beginning of the cooperation of TI BiH with the Federation of Cities and Municipalities of RS and the Federation of Cities and Municipalities of FBiH on the project “Strengthening the integrity of local governments”

Memoranda of Cooperation were signed within the project “Strengthening Integrity in Local Self-Governments (SILG)”, which is financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in BiH and which will last for 24 months. The goal of the project is to improve transparency and accountability in the work of local self-government units, and to improve the rule of law by building the capacity of local self-government to combat corruption. The implementation of the project is conceived as a series of trainings for twenty selected municipalities for the development, establishment and implementation of anti-corruption / integrity plans.


“This project is a continuation of TI BiH’s efforts aimed at improving transparency, accountability and integrity at the local level. We believe that this institutionalization of cooperation between TI BiH and the Federation of Cities and Municipalities of RS and the Federation of Cities and Municipalities of FBiH will further strengthen efforts in this direction, “said Lejla Ibranović, Acting Executive Director of TI BiH.


Vesna Travljanin, Director of SOGFBIH, stressed the importance of this project and the act of signing the Memorandum, and stressed the need for projects of this type in our country and strengthening organized inter-entity cooperation on corruption prevention and suppression projects with special emphasis on local self-government. in direct and closest contact with citizens. “We decided to give our contribution and help in selecting municipalities that will be involved in the development, establishment and implementation of anti-corruption plans,” said the Director of SOGFBIH, adding that they expect good cooperation and ultimately good results after the project.


Vesna Travljanin, Director of SOGFBIH, Aco Pantić, Secretary General of SOGRS and Emir Đikić, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TI BiH, signed the Memorandum which marked the beginning of cooperation on the realization of the SILG project. In addition to the signatories of this Memorandum, Fatima Krivosi addressed the gathering as a representative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in BiH, welcoming today’s act of signing the Memorandum and emphasizing the importance of this project and improving transparency and integrity at the local level.
Press rls – 03 Feb 2015


The group of civil society organizations from RS asks the deputies of the National Assembly of RS and the parliamentary committees to withdraw the Draft Law on Public Order and Peace of RS from the parliamentary procedure

We especially emphasize that the deputies who should decide on the adoption of the new Law on Public Order and Peace, and the Government of RS as its proposer have the right to...

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The group of civil society organizations from RS asks the deputies of the National Assembly of RS and the parliamentary committees to withdraw the Draft Law on Public Order and Peace of RS from the parliamentary procedure

We especially emphasize that the deputies who should decide on the adoption of the new Law on Public Order and Peace, and the Government of RS as its proposer have the right to invoke criminal and civil immunity, and thus protect for any procedure performed within their duties in the relevant bodies of the Republika Srpska. If the proposed law is adopted, civil society organizations are asking the RS government to urgently propose the repeal of the Law on Immunity of Republika Srpska, MPs to adopt this proposal and show their voters that they are ready to take responsibility for their actions on social networks.

Extending the definition of public place to social networks, without a clear explanation of what is considered offensive and harassing content and insults (members 7. and 8.), leaves room for different interpretations, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the legal profession.

In addition, the organizations point out that the prison sentences provided for certain violations of public order and peace are unnecessary, and that the proponents do not state that the reason for introducing these sentences is to harmonize the proposed law with the RS Law on Misdemeanors. In addition to fines and imprisonment, the RS Law on Misdemeanors also recognizes warning measures – reprimands and suspended sentences, and they are not provided for any violation of public order and peace in the proposed text.

Also, the offered formulation according to which it becomes punishable to disturb public order and peace through social networks by displaying symbols, images, drawings or texts of obscene, offensive or disturbing content, grossly violates the right to freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution and other international conventions.

The Council of Europe’s recommendations, on the other hand, encourage and call on member states to promote freedom of expression on the Internet by enacting laws and practical measures that will “prevent any form of state and private censorship” of the Internet and social networks.

We support efforts to sanction certain content on the Internet and social networks, such as the spread of prostitution and pedophilia, human organ trafficking and the spread of hate speech that encourages xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, racism and fascism. After all, the RS Government has formed a Committee to Combat Hate Speech on the Internet, and these acts are already regulated by existing regulations in the RS, so it is not clear what the proposer had in mind when he spread the disturbance of public order to social networks. was the motive for this extension of the definition.


Signatories of the announcement:

Transparency International BiH, portal BUKA, Sharp Zero, Helsinki Citizens’ Parliament Banja Luka, BUKA, Youth Center Kvart (Prijedor)

Press release, 31.01.2015. – Transparency International BiH

The RS Banking Agency is hiding information from the public in the Bobar Bank case

Banja Luka, 20. January 2015 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina is conducting research activities to determine what the Banking Agency of Republika Srpska...

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The RS Banking Agency is hiding information from the public in the Bobar Bank case

Banja Luka, 20. January 2015 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina is conducting research activities to determine what the Banking Agency of Republika Srpska has done to prevent the establishment of an interim administration and the consequent revocation of Bobar banka ad Bijeljina’s operating license.

TI BiH sent a request for access to information to the RS Banking Agency, requesting information on all data, facts and information that the Agency proves that it has previously taken action in the Bobar Bank case. Although we have been informed that such information exists, ie that this case was handled earlier, the Agency refused to provide the information, emphasizing that it is an official secret.

TI BiH also asked the RS Banking Agency to submit a report on the financial condition and prospects of Bobar banka ad Bijeljina, but also a final report on the course of the interim administration procedure and its termination, with an explanation of the measures implemented in the interim administration procedure. The mentioned reports had to be made according to the Law on the Banking Agency, and the liquidation procedure could be proposed only on the basis of the report on the financial condition and perspective of the bank. To date, the disputed reports have not been submitted and presented to the public, although the public claims the right to possess them, because only on the basis of them can the work of the interim administrator be assessed, who is now also the liquidation manager.

Given the damage to the financial system and economy of Republika Srpska, but also to justified suspicions of abuse, as well as widespread mistrust among citizens and users of financial services, the RS Banking Agency is obliged to disclose to the public all measures previously taken. undertaken according to Bobar banka ad Bijeljina. The Law on Freedom of Access to Information of the Republika Srpska has placed a justified public interest above protected values, such as an official secret, and TI BiH believes that in the case of Bobar banka ad Bijeljina the public has the right to know what has been done by ceding all official acts.

Transparency International BiH will continue to insist on the publicity of the work of the RS Banking Agency and its management, but also on determining responsibility in the Bobar Bank case using all available legal means.

Press rls – 20 1 2015 doc

TI BiH requests that the Banking Agency and the Ombudsman for the RS Banking System be announced in the case of Bobar Bank

Banja Luka, 12. December 2014 — The blockade of Bobar Bank’s accounts and recent developments in the banking sector have upset financial service users and the general...

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TI BiH requests that the Banking Agency and the Ombudsman for the RS Banking System be announced in the case of Bobar Bank

Banja Luka, 12. December 2014 — The blockade of Bobar Bank’s accounts and recent developments in the banking sector have upset financial service users and the general public in Republika Srpska, and Transparency International BiH believes it is not enough to declare stability in the banking sector, as the RS Banking Agency does. Media articles have previously warned about the sudden losses of Bobar Bank, while the interim manager of Bobar Bank, Savo Ševaljević, is a guest on ATV News on December 6, 2014. He said that in the case of Bobar Bank “it was possible to react earlier”, as well as that “there were a lot of problems in the work of the previous management”. This directly indicates the existence of previous irregularities in the operations of Bobar banka ad Bijeljina, and Transparency International BiH requires that the RS Banking Agency and the RS Banking Ombudsman be notified and inform the public about all activities previously undertaken in the Bobar banka case. According to the Law on the RS Banking Agency, the Agency and the Ombudsman for the Banking System are competent to supervise and take appropriate actions in order to prevent irregularities and illegal actions that obviously existed in the business of Bobar Bank. That is why TI BiH sent a request to these institutions for access to information on all actions taken in the past period by the RS Banking Agency and the RS Ombudsman, and relating to Bobar banka ad Bijeljina. It is necessary for the Banking Agency to inform the public, in accordance with the law and regulations, thus justifying the purpose of its existence, because the appointment of interim manager Bobar banka ad Bijeljina created public concern, but also serious doubts about the quality and independence of the Agency. We remind you that the Agency is responsible for its work to the National Assembly of the RS and all citizens of the Republika Srpska. The Banking Agency of the Republika Srpska must prove that it has taken all legally prescribed actions within its supervisory powers. TI BiH also calls on the competent investigative bodies to examine the work of the management and employees of the RS Banking Agency and determine the possible responsibility for the collapse of Bobar Bank.

Press rls – 12 12 2014 doc

Strengthening institutions is key to effectively fighting corruption

Sarajevo, 10. December 2014 – The Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), in cooperation with Transparency International...

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Strengthening institutions is key to effectively fighting corruption

Sarajevo, 10. December 2014 – The Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), in cooperation with Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), and with the support of the Government of Great Britain, held a Conference on December 9, International Anti-Corruption Day. Yesterday’s Conference emphasized the need to strengthen law enforcement institutions, especially the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), whose competencies and capacities must be strengthened in order to be able to implement concrete measures in the prevention of corruption. The Deputy Director of the Agency, Dragan Slipac, pointed out that, despite the lack of true will of all segments of society in the fight against corruption, especially political, led to the lack of better results, the Agency managed to impose itself as an unavoidable factor in fighting corruption in BiH. The Agency has started drafting the Anti-Corruption Strategy for the period 2015-2019. The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to BiH, Edward Ferguson, emphasized that the fight against corruption is being talked about more and more in BiH, but that the fight does not correspond to reality and that it is still being discussed. they do not see enough concrete results, because according to the Gallup survey, BiH is the second country in the world according to the perception of corruption in governments. “However, there is still hope, as about 60% of citizens believe they can make a difference, and we hope that new anti-corruption strategies at the state and entity levels will yield results,” said Ambassador Ferguson. Representatives of the EU Delegation to BiH who participated in the Conference further stressed the importance of anti-corruption reforms in the process of European integration, but also the fact that in the previous period BiH has achieved very little in this area. ” This conference officially marks the International Anti-Corruption Day and it is positive that it is taking the initiative, but the key responsibility of the authorities is to enable the smooth operation of the Agency and other law enforcement institutions, with adequate resources and specific competencies, for which Transparency International BiH Emir Đikić, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TI BiH, said that the conference also presented experiences from the region in monitoring compliance with international obligations in the field of anti-corruption reforms, as well as the results of the Agency and other organizations and institutions in the fight against corruption. Conclusion of most speakers However, despite some successes of individual civil society initiatives and institutions, a key obstacle to a more effective fight against corruption in BiH is the lack of commitment and lack of will of the authorities to more aggressive reforms and strengthen the independence of institutions to enforce laws effectively.

Press rls – December 10, 2014

BiH has fallen behind the Corruption Perceptions Index

Sarajevo, 3. December 2014 — Transparency International presented the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2014. year, which ranks the countries of the world according to...

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BiH has fallen behind the Corruption Perceptions Index

Sarajevo, 3. December 2014 — Transparency International presented the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2014. year, which ranks the countries of the world according to the perceived level of corruption, and this year, on a list of 175 countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina is at 80. place. This is a setback compared to 2013, when BiH was at 72. place. CPI, based on relevant international sources, assigns ratings on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the highest level of perceived corruption, while 100 represents the lowest level of corruption, so this year BiH found itself in this position based on 39, which is also lower than in the previous year, but also in 2012, when it was 42. BiH 80. the place shares with El Salvador, Mongolia, Morocco and Benin. When it comes to the region, ie the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia is still in the best position (39th place, with a score of 58), followed by Croatia at 61st. place, with a score of 48, and Macedonia (64th place, with a score of 45), Montenegro (76th place, and a score of 42) and Serbia (78th place with a score of 41). Only Kosovo is behind BiH, at 110. place, with a score of 33. The Corruption Perceptions Index and BiH’s unenviable position on this scale reflect a complete lack of results in the fight against corruption in the previous period, caused not only by the lack of interest of government institutions in anti-corruption reforms, but also by hampering the work of law enforcement institutions. actors of the biggest corruption scandals. Reports from the European Union and relevant international institutions also indicate that not only is there no progress in this area, but BiH is moving in the opposite direction, towards the complete collapse of institutions and their privatization by political elites. Bearing in mind that BiH has been at the bottom of the region for years according to the Corruption Perceptions Index, but also when it comes to reforms in the process of joining the European Union, a complete turnaround is needed in tackling corruption in BiH – through legislative reform, strengthening laws and judiciary, and most importantly, the removal of pressure and control over institutions, in order for BiH to make a significant shift in the CPI scale.

Press rls – 3 12 2014 CPI

TI BiH Presents Corruption Perception Index for 2014

Banja Luka, 1st December 2014 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a press conference to present this years’ Corruption Perception Index (CPI),...

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TI BiH Presents Corruption Perception Index for 2014

Banja Luka, 1st December 2014 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a press conference to present this years’ Corruption Perception Index (CPI), which TI carries out at global level every year, with the aim of comparing perceived levels of public sector corruption in the countries in the region. CPI of this year included 175 countries, and Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the listed countries.


CPI is the best known indicator of corruption in the public sector in the world, and it is based on various surveys conducted by the world-renowned organizations and institutions.


Corruption Perception Index will be presented to the media on Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, with the beginning at 11.00 AM.


TI BiH requests from the RS Ministry of the Interior the findings of an expert report on the purchase of deputies

Banja Luka, 27. November 2014 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska to submit...

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TI BiH requests from the RS Ministry of the Interior the findings of an expert report on the purchase of deputies

Banja Luka, 27. November 2014 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska to submit expert findings and information on who did the expertise on the basis of which it was determined that the video leaked to the public, in which RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic allegedly talks about buying MPs in the National Assembly of the RS, mounted.

The public has the right to complete insight into the findings of the expertise, as well as the actions taken to determine whether the recording is credible, bearing in mind that the constitutive session of the NARS showed that two deputies changed their political options, as announced at the recording itself. Due to the fact that the allegations from the video were practically confirmed during the constitution of the majority in the NARS, doubts were cast on the credibility of the findings of the RS MUP, which is why it is necessary to make all information related to this case available.

The RS Ministry of the Interior has a responsibility to the citizens of RS to provide information and expertise due to the seriousness of the allegations made in the video, because they indicate possible corruption at the highest level of government and can have unforeseeable consequences, making the whole concept of democracy meaningless.

TI BiH therefore hopes that the RS Ministry of the Interior will act in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and remove doubts in the manner of determining the authenticity of the recording, and prevent a complete collapse of trust in RS institutions and authorities.

Press rls – 27 Nov 2014 doc

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