TI BiH and Open Knowledge Foundation are Organizing Round Table on ‘Open Data Readiness in BiH Institutions’
26 February 2015
Sarajevo, 26th February 2015 – The aim of the project is to exploit experiences gained by the NGO representatives, journalists and researches whose work focuses on transparency and accountability, and to share experiences and challenges in collecting data from the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially when it comes to collection of data pertaining to budget spending and employment within the Institutions of BiH.
The round table is organized within the project Open Data Readiness Assessment, supported by Ministry of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, whose purpose is to assess the current situation regarding the openness of government and to create the Action Plan that will include recommendations for improving transparency of public data in BiH.
The round table will be held on Friday, 27th February 2015, with the beginning at 09:00 pm, in the UN premises in BiH, Zmaja od Bosne Street. The agenda is attached below. Statements to the media are scheduled for 09.15 pm.
TI BiH and Open Knowledge Foundation are Organizing Round Table on
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