Research activities

As corruption is a problem that affects several areas of society, the fight against it requires an interdisciplinary approach that covers all its aspects. In order to better understand the causes, see the ways in which it manifests itself and reduce the consequences of corruption, we have developed a whole range of tools that we use in our daily mission to free our society from the harmful consequences of corruption.

Register of Public Office Holders

An open register of public officials that monitors the mandates and additional engagements of elected and executive office holders with the aim of detecting potential conflicts of interest

Monitoring the distribution of public funds to associations and foundations in BiH

Collection and analysis of information on the amounts, criteria and final beneficiaries of public funds for financing the work of citizens' associations and foundations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Database of Public Institutions

Basic information on public institutions with data on the number of employees, budgets and amounts of remuneration for members of management structures at all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Concessions Registry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Information on the legal framework, permits, fees, concessionaires and budget revenues generated from concessions of BiH

State-Owned Enterprises Database

Financial and Audit Reports with Information on Management Structures of Public Companies in BiH

Interactive Map of Corruption Prosecution in BiH

Interactive map of corruption prosecution before courts and prosecutor's offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina with statistical data on corruption prosecution.

AC Monitor

Review of legislative activities in areas relevant to the fight against corruption and analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of key anti-corruption laws.

Report Corruption

Platform for anonymous and secure reporting of corruption


A platform for two-way communication between citizens and administration in local communities.

Judiciary Index

Measuring the Transparency of Courts and Prosecutor's Offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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