TI BiH requests from the RS Ministry of the Interior the findings of an expert report on the purchase of deputies
27 November 2014
Banja Luka, 27. November 2014 — Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska to submit expert findings and information on who did the expertise on the basis of which it was determined that the video leaked to the public, in which RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic allegedly talks about buying MPs in the National Assembly of the RS, mounted.
The public has the right to complete insight into the findings of the expertise, as well as the actions taken to determine whether the recording is credible, bearing in mind that the constitutive session of the NARS showed that two deputies changed their political options, as announced at the recording itself. Due to the fact that the allegations from the video were practically confirmed during the constitution of the majority in the NARS, doubts were cast on the credibility of the findings of the RS MUP, which is why it is necessary to make all information related to this case available.
The RS Ministry of the Interior has a responsibility to the citizens of RS to provide information and expertise due to the seriousness of the allegations made in the video, because they indicate possible corruption at the highest level of government and can have unforeseeable consequences, making the whole concept of democracy meaningless.
TI BiH therefore hopes that the RS Ministry of the Interior will act in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and remove doubts in the manner of determining the authenticity of the recording, and prevent a complete collapse of trust in RS institutions and authorities.
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