Press releases

Draft Law on Local Self-Government of the Government of the Republic of Srpska interferes with the independence of municipalities and cities

TI BiH considers that the Government as the central executive authority must not excessively interfere with the independent work of local self-government and that the proposed...

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Draft Law on Local Self-Government of the Government of the Republic of Srpska interferes with the independence of municipalities and cities

TI BiH considers that the Government as the central executive authority must not excessively interfere with the independent work of local self-government and that the proposed laws need to be improved (more…)

The Draft Law on Combating Corruption, Organized and Most Serious Forms of Economic Crime still enables political persecution

Incrimination of political criminal offenses is a characteristic of the totalitarian regimes and as such, it is in direct contradiction to the constitutional system and the...

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The Draft Law on Combating Corruption, Organized and Most Serious Forms of Economic Crime still enables political persecution

Incrimination of political criminal offenses is a characteristic of the totalitarian regimes and as such, it is in direct contradiction to the constitutional system and the European Convention on Human Rights (more…)

Political pressure on the judiciary must stop!

Holders of the highest state functions through pressure on the work of the judiciary have shown that political interests are placed above the implementation of the law and...

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Political pressure on the judiciary must stop!

Holders of the highest state functions through pressure on the work of the judiciary have shown that political interests are placed above the implementation of the law and directly told the citizens that legal procedures are not the same for everyone (more…)

Corruption Perceptions Index: BiH is constantly deteriorating

Based on the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index BiH takes 76th place, out of 168 countries, with a score of 38 on the scale from 0 to 100, and it has...

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Corruption Perceptions Index: BiH is constantly deteriorating

Based on the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index BiH takes 76th place, out of 168 countries, with a score of 38 on the scale from 0 to 100, and it has deteriorated compared to last year, when its score was 39, and it keeps falling on the scale, starting with 2012 when its score was 42.

Presentation of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2015

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing presentation for the media at which it will present results of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for...

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Presentation of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2015

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing presentation for the media at which it will present results of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2015. (more…)

Election Law should prevent abuses in the campaign

Transparency International BiH urges the Inter-Agency Working Group for the Amendments to the Election Law to use the process of the amendments to the law so to strengthen the...

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Election Law should prevent abuses in the campaign

Transparency International BiH urges the Inter-Agency Working Group for the Amendments to the Election Law to use the process of the amendments to the law so to strengthen the mechanisms for protection against the abuse of public funds, functions and institutions aimed at pre-election promotion and vote buying (more…)

Provisions and the adoption method of the Labour Law of the Republic of Srpska are unacceptable

Civil society organizations submitted to the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska their comments regarding the draft version of the new Labour Law, by which they tried to...

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Provisions and the adoption method of the Labour Law of the Republic of Srpska are unacceptable

Civil society organizations submitted to the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska their comments regarding the draft version of the new Labour Law, by which they tried to emphasize numerous inconsistencies that may lead to the abuse and arbitrary interpretation of the provisions, at the expense of employees. (more…)

Businessmen distributed funds to themselves after the flood

Association of Businessmen “15. maj ”from Doboj, which received 6 million KM from the Solidarity Fund for further distribution to businessmen affected by the floods in...

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Businessmen distributed funds to themselves after the flood

Association of Businessmen “15. maj ”from Doboj, which received 6 million KM from the Solidarity Fund for further distribution to businessmen affected by the floods in Doboj, distributed these funds without clear criteria, and the founders of this Association allocated funds to themselves, in the amount of 488,000 KM (more…)

Proposed amendments to the FBiH Law on Free Access to Information are just for „cosmetic“ purposes

Without having consulted the interested parties, the Government of FBiH has prepared the Draft Law on Amendments to the FBiH Law on Free Access to Information which presents only...

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Proposed amendments to the FBiH Law on Free Access to Information are just for „cosmetic“ purposes

Without having consulted the interested parties, the Government of FBiH has prepared the Draft Law on Amendments to the FBiH Law on Free Access to Information which presents only „cosmetic“ change and does not contain very important provisions related to proactive transparency (more…)

TI BiH School of Integrity in Bihac

After Travnik, Trebinje and Bijeljina, the School of Integrity will be held tomorrow in Bihac, which will mark the end of the first part of the project aimed at introducing issues...

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TI BiH School of Integrity in Bihac

After Travnik, Trebinje and Bijeljina, the School of Integrity will be held tomorrow in Bihac, which will mark the end of the first part of the project aimed at introducing issues related to the study of the harmful consequences of corruption and the examples of the successful methods for
combating corruption to the students

TI BiH presents the results of the analysis of corruption processing in BiH

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing presentation for the media to present the results of the research on corruption processing before the...

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TI BiH presents the results of the analysis of corruption processing in BiH

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing presentation for the media to present the results of the research on corruption processing before the courts and prosecutor’s offices in BiH. (more…)

APIK and TI BiH are organizing conference on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), in cooperation with Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI...

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APIK and TI BiH are organizing conference on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), in cooperation with Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), with the financial support of the British Government, are organizing conference entitled „ The Fight against Corruption in BiH, experiences and challenges“ on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day. (more…)

Bosnia and Herzegovina at High Risk of Corruption

Transparency International calls on NATO members to honour their commitments to defence...

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Bosnia and Herzegovina at High Risk of Corruption

Transparency International calls on NATO members to honour their commitments to defence integrity

Lecture on the topic: Open public procurement in the function of economic development

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, invites you to attend a lecture on Open Public...

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Lecture on the topic: Open public procurement in the function of economic development

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, invites you to attend a lecture on Open Public Procurement in the function of economic development. The lecture will be held in the Grand Amphitheater of the University of Business Studies in Banja Luka on Friday, December 4, 2015. year, starting at 4 p.m. (more…)

Presentation of the Municipality of Travnik Integrity System Assessment

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has made, for the first time, a detailed integrity system assessment (LIS assessment) in 10 units of local self-government,...

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Presentation of the Municipality of Travnik Integrity System Assessment

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has made, for the first time, a detailed integrity system assessment (LIS assessment) in 10 units of local self-government, including the Municipality of Travnik. The assessment was conducted on the basis of the methodology developed by Transparency International, and globally tested. (more…)

Conference Anti-Corruption Standards in Public Procurement

Sarajevo/Banja Luka, 2nd December 2015. – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TIBiH), in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, is organizing...

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Conference Anti-Corruption Standards in Public Procurement

Sarajevo/Banja Luka, 2nd December 2015. – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TIBiH), in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, is organizing a conference Anti-Corruption Standards in Public Procurement, which will be held on Thursday, 3rd December 2015, in the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo (Mezanin hall) at 11:00h. 

This will be the opportunity to present the Basic Anti-Corruption Standards in Public Procurement and the Analysis of Public Procurements in the Czech Republic and BiH, examples from the public procurement practice and the irregularities related to it, as well as the analysis of the work of the Procurement Review Body as one of the institutions which monitors the implementation of the Law and bylaws. The conference will also be aimed at providing the presentation of proposals for the amendments to the Law on Public Procurement which the civil society organizations have sent to the Parties of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and actively supported throughout the year.

The organization of the conference is financially supported by the Ministry od Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as part of the project „Anti-Corruption Standards in Public Procurement“, as well as by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the Civil Society Sustainability Project, that is being implemented in the field of anti-corruption by TIBiH in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting. The agenda is attached below.

Media Advisory – 2 12 2015 doc ENG

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