Press releases

TI BiH School of Integrity presents the publication „Integrity vs. Corruption“

The attendees of the School of Integrity will also present their essays on the phenomenon of corruption in our country, the possibilities of establishing a system of integrity,...

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TI BiH School of Integrity presents the publication „Integrity vs. Corruption“

The attendees of the School of Integrity will also present their essays on the phenomenon of corruption in our country, the possibilities of establishing a system of integrity, and there will be a debate regarding this topic as well. (more…)

Court confirms: RS Banking Agency is illegally hiding information about Bobar Bank

The District Court in Banja Luka accepted the lawsuit of Transparency International BiH against the RS Banking Agency and found that the Agency violated the Law on Freedom of...

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Court confirms: RS Banking Agency is illegally hiding information about Bobar Bank

The District Court in Banja Luka accepted the lawsuit of Transparency International BiH against the RS Banking Agency and found that the Agency violated the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and illegally refused to provide the Final Report on Interim Administration in the Bobar Bank case. (more…)

Conflict of interest in the judiciary still unregulated

The analysis of TI BiH has shown a lack of mechanisms to prevent and sanction conflicts of interest, and that in situations in which legal framework prescribes specific aspects of...

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Conflict of interest in the judiciary still unregulated

The analysis of TI BiH has shown a lack of mechanisms to prevent and sanction conflicts of interest, and that in situations in which legal framework prescribes specific aspects of ensuring the integrity, there are no clearly specified competencies for determining and sanctioning the conflict of interest, or controlling property records. (more…)

Public administration reform is stagnating and not working

TI BiH je objavio rezultate drugog monitoringa reforme javne uprave koji pokazuje ne samo da nisu ostvareni značajni rezultati u prethodnoj godini, već je u pojedinim oblastima...

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Public administration reform is stagnating and not working

TI BiH announced results of the second monitoring of the public administration reform which show the failure to achieve significant results in previous year, and even a decline in some fields, especially in matters related to the employment of public officials and the lack of transparency in creating and implementing reform processes conducted by the government (more…)

Training and workshops related to proactive transparency in public administration completed

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) held today a workshop (Sarajevo, 11th March, 2016) regarding a manner in which a two-year action plan for proactive transparency in public...

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Training and workshops related to proactive transparency in public administration completed

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) held today a workshop (Sarajevo, 11th March, 2016) regarding a manner in which a two-year action plan for proactive transparency in public administration should be made and thus completed a training program within “Support Initiative for the Open Government: Proactive Transparency in Public Institutions”, financed by the Government of the United Kingdom. (more…)

TI BiH and CIN are presenting the monitoring results of the public administration reform

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), are organizing a conference to present the results of...

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TI BiH and CIN are presenting the monitoring results of the public administration reform

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), are organizing a conference to present the results of the second monitoring of the public administration reform for 2014-2015. (more…)

Commission for Deciding on Conflict of Interest in a legal vacuum

Rejection to determine the specific status of the Commission for Deciding on Conflict of Interest absolutely favours the public officials who have found themselves in potential...

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Commission for Deciding on Conflict of Interest in a legal vacuum

Rejection to determine the specific status of the Commission for Deciding on Conflict of Interest absolutely favours the public officials who have found themselves in potential conflict of interest and questions the purpose of the existence of the law (more…)

Conference “Challenges of the Open Government Partnership Initiative”

Sarajevo, February 26, 2016 - Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TIBiH), in cooperation with the coalition of non-governmental organizations in charge of the...

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Conference “Challenges of the Open Government Partnership Initiative”

Sarajevo, February 26, 2016 – Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TIBiH), in cooperation with the coalition of non-governmental organizations in charge of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative, is 25. held a conference on the Challenges of the Open Government Partnership initiative in February.

The conference discussed the current situation, but also proposals for measures for the first action plan of BiH, which are in 2015. active work of civil society organizations, in cooperation with institutions. Representatives of the Agency for Statistics of BiH and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office spoke about the challenges that institutions face when publishing data. The experiences of several institutions that, despite numerous challenges, have made progress in the field of proactive transparency through the development of policies and standards of proactive transparency in public administration were also presented. The participants of the conference were especially interested in the lecture of the visiting expert for online communication with the public, Tomislav Korman, who spoke about mechanisms for improving communication with interest groups and citizens with the aim of opening government, with special focus on social networks.

The participants in the conference concluded that the support of the highest structures of government was completely lacking, and that at that level of government there is not enough interest and will to continue fulfilling the obligations assumed by joining the Open Government Partnership. It called on all civil society institutions and organizations, the media and the academic community to contribute and speed up the process of establishing an Advisory Body and ensure greater citizen participation in the planning process.

TI BiH and other organizations will continue to support the OGP initiative and put pressure on decision makers to speed up compliance.

TI BiH is organizing the Roundtable on Employment in Public Administration

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) is organizing the roundtable on ”Employment in Public Administration with Special Emphasizes on the Implementation of Legal...

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TI BiH is organizing the Roundtable on Employment in Public Administration

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) is organizing the roundtable on ”Employment in Public Administration with Special Emphasizes on the Implementation of Legal Principles”. (more…)

The FBiH Government is obstructing the implementation of the Law on Combating Corruption and Organized Crime

The explanation according to which the Law on Combating Corruption and Organized Crime cannot be implemented since there are no specific conditions for it, only proves the fact...

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The FBiH Government is obstructing the implementation of the Law on Combating Corruption and Organized Crime

The explanation according to which the Law on Combating Corruption and Organized Crime cannot be implemented since there are no specific conditions for it, only proves the fact that fight against corruption is not on the priority list of the current FBiH Government (more…)

Transparency International celebrated 15 years of existence in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Transparency International u Bosni i Hercegovini obilježio je 15 godina svog rada organizujući prijem koji je održan 18. februara 2016. godine u...

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Transparency International celebrated 15 years of existence in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina marked its 15th anniversary by giving a reception which took place on 18th February 2016 in Sarajevo. The reception brought together the representatives of the diplomatic corps, institutions at all levels of BiH, members of the organization, civil society, media, as well as a lot of associates and friends of the organization. (more…)

World’s most important side issue is fertile ground for corruption

The Global Corruption Report by Transparency International, which is dedicated to sport this year, indicated that sport is prone to massive corruption, through the management of...

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World’s most important side issue is fertile ground for corruption

The Global Corruption Report by Transparency International, which is dedicated to sport this year, indicated that sport is prone to massive corruption, through the management of sports organizations, match-fixing, allocation of the organization of sports events, etc.

TI BiH and the Institutions on the Open Government Partnership

– Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), supported by the Open Society Fund BiH, is organizing a conference entitled Challenges of the Initiative Open...

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TI BiH and the Institutions on the Open Government Partnership

– Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), supported by the Open Society Fund BiH, is organizing a conference entitled Challenges of the Initiative Open Government Partnership in BiH. (more…)

TI BiH is presenting the Global Corruption Report on Sport

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a presentation for the media at which it will present the Global Corruption Report on Sport....

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TI BiH is presenting the Global Corruption Report on Sport

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a presentation for the media at which it will present the Global Corruption Report on Sport. Transparency International periodically publishes the Global Corruption Report, focused on different field every time, while this year, due to numerous scandals and corruption affairs that have shaken the world of sport, the Report is referring to the sport. (more…)

Almost a quarter of citizens were asked for a bribe

Results of the research conducted by TIBiH, as well as the work of the Legal Advice Centre, show that the citizens consider corruption to be one of the major problems in BiH...

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Almost a quarter of citizens were asked for a bribe

Results of the research conducted by TIBiH, as well as the work of the Legal Advice Centre, show that the citizens consider corruption to be one of the major problems in BiH society, along with the unemployment, which can be proven by the fact that the citizens address TIBiH mostly for the problem of corruption in the employment procedures (more…)

TI BiH is organizing a presentation of the results of the Legal Advice Centre

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) is organizing a press conference in order to present the results of its Centre for providing free legal assistance to citizens combating...

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TI BiH is organizing a presentation of the results of the Legal Advice Centre

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) is organizing a press conference in order to present the results of its Centre for providing free legal assistance to citizens combating corruption in 2015.

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