Press releases

Systematic destruction of the civil service

The Council of Ministers of BiH is still trying to enable the politicization of the civil service at the state level and it insists on solutions that would decrease the...

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Systematic destruction of the civil service

The Council of Ministers of BiH is still trying to enable the politicization of the civil service at the state level and it insists on solutions that would decrease the objectivity and transparency in the employment of the key people in the civil service. (more…)

Regional Conference Property Records of Judicial Office Holders

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a regional conference entitled Property Records of Judicial Office Holders, which shall serve as an...

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Regional Conference Property Records of Judicial Office Holders

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a regional conference entitled Property Records of Judicial Office Holders, which shall serve as an opportunity to discuss the prevention of conflict of interest in judiciary and the property records of the judicial office holders. (more…)

The Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest are urgent, but need to be comprehensive

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) has appealed to the MPs of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to start with systemic...

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The Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest are urgent, but need to be comprehensive

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) has appealed to the MPs of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to start with systemic and long-term resolution of the blockage issue in implementation of the Law on Conflict of Interest in institutions of BiH Government and also submitted to the PABiH a complete Draft Law on the Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest. (more…)

TI BiH is organizing the promotion of the documentary film about corruption in employment procedures

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing the promotion of the documentary film „La La Land“ by the author Dalibor Miljevic, which was made...

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TI BiH is organizing the promotion of the documentary film about corruption in employment procedures

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing the promotion of the documentary film „La La Land“ by the author Dalibor Miljevic, which was made in cooperation with TI BiH, and produced by the same. (more…)

The Government of the Republic of Srpska more frequently proposes laws in urgent procedure

TI BiH appeals to the President of the National Assembly of RS and all MPs not to allow the violation of the procedural rules by the groundless urgent legislative procedures that...

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The Government of the Republic of Srpska more frequently proposes laws in urgent procedure

TI BiH appeals to the President of the National Assembly of RS and all MPs not to allow the violation of the procedural rules by the groundless urgent legislative procedures that undermine the democratic order.

Stop abuse in the distribution of aid for the flooded entrepreneurs in Doboj

TI BiH has appealed to the City of Doboj to distribute the planned funds in the amount of BAM 3 million intended for the aid to the entrepreneurs who suffered floods, in...

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Stop abuse in the distribution of aid for the flooded entrepreneurs in Doboj

TI BiH has appealed to the City of Doboj to distribute the planned funds in the amount of BAM 3 million intended for the aid to the entrepreneurs who suffered floods, in accordance with the clear criteria on the basis of which it will be determined who is eligible for the aid and in which way the individual aid amounts are defined. (more…)

TI BiH presented the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest of BiH

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest of BiH that should eliminate the long-lasting blockage for...

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TI BiH presented the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest of BiH

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest of BiH that should eliminate the long-lasting blockage for implementation of the regulations on the conflict of interest. (more…)

Consultative meetings with the representatives of the contracting authorities in the health sector held

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, held two consultative meetings in Sarajevo with the...

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Consultative meetings with the representatives of the contracting authorities in the health sector held

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, held two consultative meetings in Sarajevo with the representatives of the contracting authorities in the health sector of BiH. (more…)

TI BiH presents the Draft Amendments to the BiH Law on Conflict of Interest

Transparency International BiH is presenting the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in BiH aimed at improving the regulations, in order to eliminate the blockages...

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TI BiH presents the Draft Amendments to the BiH Law on Conflict of Interest

Transparency International BiH is presenting the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in BiH aimed at improving the regulations, in order to eliminate the blockages in the implementation of the Law on Conflict of Interest at the level of BiH and FBiH which have lasted for several years (more…)

The most important Amendments to the Law on Political Parties Financing omitted

Although the goal of the amendments to the Law on Political Parties Financing is to fulfill the recommendations provided by GRECO, most of them have not been met and represent an...

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The most important Amendments to the Law on Political Parties Financing omitted

Although the goal of the amendments to the Law on Political Parties Financing is to fulfill the recommendations provided by GRECO, most of them have not been met and represent an attempt of providing illusion of fulfillment of recommendations through cosmetic changes to the Law. (more…)

The willingness of the management of institutions key to the government openness

Results of the cooperation with the institutions regarding the strengthening of openness and proactive transparency were presented by TI BiH and the Coalition of NGOs at the...

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The willingness of the management of institutions key to the government openness

Results of the cooperation with the institutions regarding the strengthening of openness and proactive transparency were presented by TI BiH and the Coalition of NGOs at the conference „Partnership for the Open Government in BiH“ (more…)

Partnership between the institutions and civil society for the open government in BiH

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in cooperation with the Coalition of NGOs, is organizing a conference entitled Partnership for the Open Government in...

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Partnership between the institutions and civil society for the open government in BiH

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in cooperation with the Coalition of NGOs, is organizing a conference entitled Partnership for the Open Government in BiH. (more…)

Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republic of Srpska refuses to act in accordance with the court judgment regarding a contract on privatization of Boska

TI BiH asked from the District Court in Banja Luka to issue a misdemeanor report against the Ministry of Trade and Tourism and the person responsible for non-acting in accordance...

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Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republic of Srpska refuses to act in accordance with the court judgment regarding a contract on privatization of Boska

TI BiH asked from the District Court in Banja Luka to issue a misdemeanor report against the Ministry of Trade and Tourism and the person responsible for non-acting in accordance with the verdict, in order to make the contract on privatization of Boska department store finally available to public (more…)


A global investigation into the use of secret companies by the rich, powerful and corrupt has shown how a network of lawyers, bankers and others around the world hide illicit...

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A global investigation into the use of secret companies by the rich, powerful and corrupt has shown how a network of lawyers, bankers and others around the world hide illicit wealth. Transparency International calls on the international community to act immediately to adopt transparency laws to outlaw secret companies. (more…)

TI BiH won another dispute against the Banking Agency of the Republic of Srpska for hiding information regarding Bobar Bank

The District Court Banja Luka confirmed again that the Banking Agency of the Republic of Srpska violated Law on Free Access to Information and illegally hid the decision on the...

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TI BiH won another dispute against the Banking Agency of the Republic of Srpska for hiding information regarding Bobar Bank

The District Court Banja Luka confirmed again that the Banking Agency of the Republic of Srpska violated Law on Free Access to Information and illegally hid the decision on the account blockade (more…)

Attendees of TI BiH School of Integrity said the effective fight against th corruption in BiH is possible

The best attendees of TI BiH School of Integrity, which has been organized in four cities in the form of two-day workshops, gathered on 7th to 9th April in Banja Luka to present...

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Attendees of TI BiH School of Integrity said the effective fight against th corruption in BiH is possible

The best attendees of TI BiH School of Integrity, which has been organized in four cities in the form of two-day workshops, gathered on 7th to 9th April in Banja Luka to present their essays regarding corruption in our country and possibilities of establishing integrity system. (more…)

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