Lecture on the topic: Open public procurement in the function of economic development
04 December 2015
Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic, invites you to attend a lecture on Open Public Procurement in the function of economic development. The lecture will be held in the Grand Amphitheater of the University of Business Studies in Banja Luka on Friday, December 4, 2015. year, starting at 4 p.m.
The aim of this lecture is to present to students:
– basic principles of the Open Government Partnership (open data and open public procurement)
– free access to information for the functioning of the rule of law, but also for democratization in the work of public bodies by presenting the topic in understandable and illustrative language, and
– basic advantages of the concept of transparency and accountability in public procurement processes.
Students and attendees will be addressed by:
• David Ondračka, Transparency International Czech Republic
• Aleksandra Martinović, Transparency International BiH
• Elvira Mujkić, Transparency International BiH
The lecture is held within the project “Anti-corruption standards for public procurement” financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the project “Support to the creation of the National Action Plan of BiH within the Open Government Partnership” which is financially supported by the Open Society Fund BiH .
TI BiH will also hold a Press Conference Anti-Corruption Standards for Public Procurement, 4. December 2015 year, at the Hotel Bosna in Banja Luka, starting at 11:00.
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