Press releases

TI BiH School of Integrity in Bijeljina

Banja Luka, 26th November 2015 – After Travnik and Trebinje, the School of Integrity will be held tomorrow in Bijeljina, where the following topics will be discussed in the form...

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TI BiH School of Integrity in Bijeljina

Banja Luka, 26th November 2015 – After Travnik and Trebinje, the School of Integrity will be held tomorrow in Bijeljina, where the following topics will be discussed in the form of expert lectures and two-day intensive course: The Effects of Corruption on Economic Development, Good Governance and the Rule of Law and Transparency and Free Access to Information.

A School of Integrity, organized by Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) and supported by the American Embassy in BiH, is a place where young people can learn more about topics focused on the corruption issue through the lectures given by eminent experts and practitioners. Some of the lecturers are experienced experts such as Svetlana Cenic and Srdjan Blagovcanin, a Chairman of the TIBiH Board of Directors, who will give lecture on the corruption issue as related to the economic development an the rule of law.

After this,  the School of Integrity will be held in Bihac as well, and the most active attendees from all four cities will be gathered in the final workshop in Banja Luka when they will be given a chance to exchange opinions and experiences.

The School of Integrity in Bijeljina will start on 27th November 2015, at 09.00h in the premises of the Sinergija University, Rajo Banjicic bb. At the very beginning the students will be addressed by professor Milenko Stanic, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Business Economy.

A press conference is planned to be held at 08.45h.

Press rls 26 11 2015


28th September, the International Day for the Universal Access to Information

Upon the initiative of the international non-governmental organizations, this date has been celebrated as the day of the public’s right to know (“Right to Know Day”) since...

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28th September, the International Day for the Universal Access to Information

Upon the initiative of the international non-governmental organizations, this date has been celebrated as the day of the public’s right to know (“Right to Know Day”) since 2002. UNESCO now adopted special resolution by which it invites all Member States, international, regional and non-governmental organizations, as well as individuals, to properly mark the day which emphasizes the importance of the access to information. Transparency International BiH welcomes the decision brought by UNESCO as this is a way to directly raise the global awareness about the importance of transparency and unobstructed access to information.

Presentation of the City of Mostar Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka, 15th November 2015. — The main goal of the assessment was the analysis of the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for the promotion of transparency, liability...

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Presentation of the City of Mostar Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka, 15th November 2015. — The main goal of the assessment was the analysis of the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for the promotion of transparency, liability and integrity in order to fight corruption at local level, offering at the same time recommendations for their further improvement.

TI  BiH and the City of Mostar are organizing a public presentation of the study results which will be attended by the key actors of the City of Mostar (Mayor, officials, representatives of NGOs and the media) who will discuss the results and recommendations for the improvement of transparency, liability and good governance in the City of Mostar.

Presentation will be held on Monday, 16th November 2015, at 09.30h in the premises of the City Hall of the City of Mostar.

Press rls 15.11.2015.

Progress without any progress?

Banja Luka, 12th November 2015. – Despite the fact that the European Commission in its Progress Report Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015, stated some progress, manifested through the...

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Progress without any progress?

Banja Luka, 12th November 2015. – Despite the fact that the European Commission in its Progress Report Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015, stated some progress, manifested through the adoption of Reform Agenda for BiH, in most areas there was actually no progress at all. This is particularly evident in the areas related to the rule of law, public administration reform and fight against corruption.

Although this Progress Report has been evaluated as the best so far, it is clear that the adoption of the Reform Agenda for BiH is, for now, merely a fictive progress in the form of specified list of wishes, while in all fields the laws are being undermined, the level of their implementation is minimal, institutions are with no efficiency or coordination, the basic human rights are contested, and the political pressures obvious in all spheres.

The Report, for example, clearly indicates that there was no progress in the field of public administration reform – lack of political support to reforms and systematic approach are the main reasons, along with the growing politicization and inefficiency of civil service. The Report has not included the latest amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Federation of BiH, which certainly deserves to be called the setback in the given field.

The area of the rule of law was emphasized by the political attacks on the judiciary system, and the lack of liability mechanisms of the judges and prosecutors. The inefficiency of the judiciary is still visible, with the proceedings taking up to approximately 7 years, while at the same time, there is a complete lack of processing procedures and convictions of the major corruption acts at the highest levels.

Fight against corruption is inadequate and with no progress in all segments: law enforcement agencies are not mutually coordinated nor effective; statistical data of processing corruption is devastating; there is no effective monitoring over financing political parties; the issue of property records is defined by different legal solutions and has no proper control; the implementation of the Law on Conflict of Interest completely failed at the level of BiH, FBiH and BD; there was no effective prevention of corruption in public procurement.

The Report also noted that there was a setback in protection of human rights, especially in the part referring to the freedom of expression, gathering and associations, in the light of more frequent attacks on media and civil society, but the legal solutions such as the Law on Public Peace and Order of Republic of Srpska as well.

Such assessment has been present in the Progress Reports for years, but the Report for 2015 introduces for the first time clear guidelines and steps that BiH must take in each field in order to be able to measure the progress, through the implementation of the given recommendations. Besides, a new, scaled system of the progress assessment has been introduced (early stage, the initial preparation stage, some progress, good progress and very good progress). Unsurprisingly, BiH is mainly in the early stage of the reform processes in all fields – and it has been in the same stage for 20 years.

Press rls – 12 11 2015

Conclusions of the round table on The Reform of Public Administration in the context of the proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service (Sarajevo, 03.11.2015.)

The general conclusions of the round table is that BiH needs a professional, politically neutral, competent, effective and, most of all, responsible public administration which...

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Conclusions of the round table on The Reform of Public Administration in the context of the proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service (Sarajevo, 03.11.2015.)

The general conclusions of the round table is that BiH needs a professional, politically neutral, competent, effective and, most of all, responsible public administration which shall be at the service of citizens and make cost savings. It is concluded that the amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the FBiH, as well as identical solutions prepared at the level of BiH, represent a reason for concern since they are not going in this direction, and that the process of rationalization and reorganization of the civil service is introducing an additional politicization. It was emphasized that the proposed amendments were completely contrary to the principles contained by the Public Administration Reform Strategy, and conclusions insisted on for years by the European Union and SIGMA. Instead of eliminating shortcomings in the functioning of public administration, these amendments actually dismantle the system of public administration. It is necessary to emphasize that the existing system of public administration has provided mechanisms for ensuring the efficiency of the work of civil servants, but they have never been completely used.

Beside the controversial content of this legal solution, it was pointed out that especially worrying is the method used to draft and adopt the proposed legal amendments since this is a very important law. In fact, the same was adopted in an urgent procedure, along with the implementation of the legal violence, violation of procedures, disregard of opinions and attitudes of the experts, the Legislative Office and the relevant commissions of the FBiH Parliament. Although the authorities are trying to present these amendments as rationalization, it is very likely that these legal solutions will be additional financial burden to already expensive public administration, especially when the same solutions are adopted by the lower levels of the government.

The discussion on the Law on Civil Service adopted at the level of FBiH, and prepared at the level of BiH institutions, resulted in the following conclusions:

  • The current trend in the amendments to the Law on Civil Service is harmful, and it opens door to the irresponsible individuals to improperly influence public administration. The question is what will be the consequences of the disputed decision on the system of public administration and society in general, since the public administration should be predictable in their work;
  • Professional, unbiased and politically neutral public administration are the key principles which should be amended through: the personnel policy, employment process, selection procedure of candidates, and development of units for human resources management, in accordance with the provisions of the Strategy for public administration reform;
  • It is necessary to examine the constitutionality and legality of the law adoption at all levels of government, and to use the current mechanisms to review the constitutionality and legality at all levels of government;
  • Public debate and discussion on the legal amendments between the government and civil society, academia and experts on the identification of reform priorities must be performed with the aim of finding the most optimal solutions;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the efficiency of civil servants is given enough attention and that the question of efficiency should be resolved through better management performed by the head of the institution.

Considering the defined conclusions, TI BiH will continue its work in the monitoring of public administration reform.

TI BiH organized the round table within the project Monitoring of Public Administration Reform – PARM, which is being implemented in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting, supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Denmark.

Press rls 06 11 2015



A round table on the reform of public administration

Banja Luka/Sarajevo, 2nd November 2015. – Considering that the public administration reform was in particular singled out in the Reform Agenda for Bosnia and Herzegovina...

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A round table on the reform of public administration

Banja Luka/Sarajevo, 2nd November 2015. –

Considering that the public administration reform was in particular singled out in the Reform Agenda for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-2018, the aim of the round table is to obtain the opinions of different actors on measures which are to be taken, while a special focus will be placed on the proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service of FBiH, and the consequences of its adoption related to the system of civil service.

The round table will be attended by representatives of all relevant institutions included into the reform process, such as representatives of the civil service agencies/state administration of all governmental levels, legislative and executive authorities, and representatives of trade unions of civil servants, civil society organizations and the media, as well as the international institutions.

The round table is being organized within the project Monitoring of the public administration reform – PARM, supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Denmark, and implemented by Transparency International  BiH in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN).

The round table will be held on Tuesday, 3rd November 2015, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, at 11.00h. Please find attached the agenda. The press release will take place prior to the beginning of the round table, at 10.45h.

Presss rls 02.11.2015. ENG

Conclusions of the Conference Conflict of Interest and Property Records – long-term solutions for institutional and legal framework

The general conclusion made by all participants is that an immeasurable damage has been done to the integrity system by the Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in...

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Conclusions of the Conference Conflict of Interest and Property Records – long-term solutions for institutional and legal framework

The general conclusion made by all participants is that an immeasurable damage has been done to the integrity system by the Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina of 2013, which prescribed the establishment of the Commission for determining the conflict of interest, mainly consisting of the representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, i.e. the authorities and representatives of the political parties. The additional damage has been done by a two-year blockade of the implementation of the Law, resulting from the obstruction of the process of establishing the Commission and the Office of the Commission, i.e. the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against the Corruption. The same blockade has emerged at the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has not amended the Law on Conflict of Interest in a way to establish the body for determining the conflict of interest. Therefore, the most important message of the Conference is that such politicized and fractured system of preventing and determining the conflict of interest is unsustainable, and the fact that the members of the Commission are in a potential conflict of interest from the very beginning, does not help the citizens believe in the objectivity and independence of of the process of determining the conflict of interest of their party colleagues.

Discussion about the solutions for the improvement of the legal framework regarding the conflict of interest and property records, as well as the establishment of the effective supervision over the implementation of the Law, resulted in the following conclusions and recommendations:

  • Laws on conflict of interest need to be harmonized mutually, in order to eliminate differences in the range of persons to whom the same are applied and situations which are defined as conflict of interest; at the same time it is necessary to expand the range of persons to whom these laws are applied so to include as many officials in decision-making positions as possible, and to tighten sanctions.
  • It is necessary to ensure effective and objective implementation of the Laws on conflict of interest – depoliticize law enforcement authorities, and instead of the commission comprised of the representatives of the Parliament, ensure the extension of powers, and therefore the capacity of the Agency for prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption which emerges as a logical choice of institution which should be responsible for the implementation of the Law on conflict of interest.
  • It is necessary to unify regulations governing the conflict of interest with the regulations governing the property records, since they are basically related, and they should be applied by the same institution and to the same persons.
  • It is necessary to urgently eliminate barriers to the disclosure of property records, in order to provide the citizens with the access to information contained in the records on the property status of the public officials.
  • The existence of property records is meaningless unless they are regularly checked, which is why it is necessary to adopt the provisions on the establishment of supervision and verification of the accuracy of information inserted into property records, as well as sanctions for providing false information.

Based on these conclusions, TI BiH will perform additional consultations with the relevant institutions, and then submit proposals for the amendments to the laws on which it will insist in the future period trying to ensure the support by the legislators.

TI BiH organized this Conference as a part of the Project of sustainability of civil society (CSSP), on whose implementations TI BiH is working together with the Center for Investigative Reporting, with the support of USAID.

Conclusions of the Conference Conflict of Interest and Property Records – long-term solutions for institutional and legal framework

New Chairman of the Board of Directors of TI BiH elected

At the XII regular session of the Assembly of Transparency International BiH, held on October 24, 2015. in Banja Luka, Srdjan Blagovcanin was elected the new Chairman of the Board...

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New Chairman of the Board of Directors of TI BiH elected

At the XII regular session of the Assembly of Transparency International BiH, held on October 24, 2015. in Banja Luka, Srdjan Blagovcanin was elected the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. The term of office of the Chairman of the Board of Directors is four years, and the members of the Board of Directors are Fatima Hajdarević, Aleksandra Martinović, Boris Divjak and Siniša Marković.

Presentation of the Municipality of the Old City of Sarajevo Integrity System Assessment

Sarajevo, 29th October 2015. — The aim of the assessment was to conduct the analysis of the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for promotion of transparency,...

Izvještaji za Mediae

Presentation of the Municipality of the Old City of Sarajevo Integrity System Assessment

Sarajevo, 29th October 2015. — The aim of the assessment was to conduct the analysis of the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for promotion of transparency, accountability and integrity in order to suppress the corruption at the local level, offering at the same time the recommendations for their further improvement.

TI BiH and the Municipality of the Old City of Sarajevo are organizing the public presentation of the study results, which will be attended by the key actors of the Municipality of the Old City of Sarajevo (Mayor and the Chairman of the Municipal Council, representatives of NGOs and the media) who will discuss the results and recommendations for the improvement of transparency, accountability and good governance in the Municipality of the Old City of Sarajevo.

Presentation will be held on Friday, 30th October 2015, at 10.00h in the official premises of the Municipality of the Old City of Sarajevo.

Press rls – 29.10.2015.

Presentation of the City of Bijeljina Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka, 28th October 2015 — The aim of the assessment was to conduct the analysis of the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for promotion of transparency,...

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Presentation of the City of Bijeljina Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka, 28th October 2015 — The aim of the assessment was to conduct the analysis of the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for promotion of transparency, accountability and integrity in order to suppress the corruption at the local level, offering at the same time the recommendations for their further improvement.

TI BiH and the City of Bijeljina are organizing the public presentation of the study results, which shall be attended by the key actors in the City of Bijeljina (Mayor and the representatives of the Parliament, representatives of NGOs and the media) and they will discuss the results and recommendations for the improvement of transparency, accountability and good governance in the City of Bijeljina.

Presentation will be held on Thursday, 29th October 2015, at 12.00h in the official premises of the City of Bijeljina.

Press rls 28 10 2015 eng

Conference on the conflict of interest and property records

Banja Luka/Sarajevo, 26th October 2015 – The discussion at the conference will include the existing problems and obstacles to ensuring the effective supervision over the...

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Conference on the conflict of interest and property records

Banja Luka/Sarajevo, 26th October 2015 – The discussion at the conference will include the existing problems and obstacles to ensuring the effective supervision over the implementation of the law, putting special emphasis on the need to strengthen the independence of institutions, in order to provide objective and unbiased implementation of the law.

The conference is organized within the Project of sustainability of civil society, which is financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented within anti-corruption sector by TI BiH and the Center for investigative reporting. On this occasion, the participants of the conference will also be addressed by the mission director of USAID in BiH, Mr Peter Duffy.

The conference will be attended by the representatives of the competent institutions, such as the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption, Commission for Deciding in Cases of Conflict of Interest, Central Election Commission, Personal Data Protection Agency, and representatives of the parliamentary committees and the executive authorities. It is also expected that the representatives of civil society, media and international institutions and organizations will also attend the conference.

The conference will be held on Tuesday, 27th October 2015, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, at 11.00h. Please find attached the agenda. Press conference is planned to be held at 10.45h.

Press rls 26.10.2015. ENG



Presentation of the Municipality of Gracanica Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka, 25th October 2015 – The aim of the assessment was to analyze the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for promotion of transparency, accountability and integrity...

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Presentation of the Municipality of Gracanica Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka, 25th October 2015 – The aim of the assessment was to analyze the efficiency of procedures and mechanisms for promotion of transparency, accountability and integrity in order to suppress corruption at local level, offering at the same time recommendations for their further improvement.

TI BiH and the Municipality of Gracanica are organizing the public presentation of the study results, which will be attended by the key actors in the Municipality of Gracanica (the Mayor and representatives of the Municipal Council, officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the media) who will discuss the results and recommendations for the improvement of transparency, accountability and good governance in the Municipality of Gracanica.

Presentation will be held on Monday, 26th October 2015, at 12.30h in the official premises of the Municipality of Gracanica.

Press rls 25.10.2015. ENG

Presentation of the study “How Bosnia’s Political Economy Holds It Back And What to Do About It”

The study offers an analysis of the key aspects of the way in which the government structures in BiH function, identifying the problems that prevent the country’s progress in...

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Presentation of the study “How Bosnia’s Political Economy Holds It Back And What to Do About It”

The study offers an analysis of the key aspects of the way in which the government structures in BiH function, identifying the problems that prevent the country’s progress in the process of European integrations, democratization, strengthening of the rule of law and economic development. A dominant problem emphasized by this study is a political corruption and the fact that key institutions and processes in the country are used to meet the private interests.

The study also contains a set of specific recommendations, whose implementation would lead to strengthening of the institutional framework and faster implementation of reforms in the country.

The authors of the study are Boris Divjak and Srdjan Blagovcanin, and it was published by the Johns Hopkins University, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Center for Transatlantic relations (CTR).

Open letter to EU Delegation in BiH

Dear Ambassador Wigemark, We are writing to you regarding the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of BiH (FBiH), which undermines the basic...

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Open letter to EU Delegation in BiH

Dear Ambassador Wigemark,

We are writing to you regarding the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of BiH (FBiH), which undermines the basic principles of modern administration. The Law is scheduled for adoption by both Houses of the FBiH Parliament on Friday, 23 October 2015.

According to the Government of FBiH, the reasons for passing this Law are the need for “aligning its provisions with the recently adopted Labour Law” and “the need for reorganising public administration in FBiH with a view to streamlining the civil service”. However, this is just a smokescreen for the intended elimination of all categories of senior civil servants and ensuring that these positions are linked to the term of office of the managers of administrative bodies.

Even though civil society organisations have from the very outset condemned this attempt to amend the Law via urgent procedure in parliament and repeatedly appealed to the FBiH Government and FBiH Parliament to refrain from doing so, the ruling coalition and the proposers of the Law have demonstrated nothing but utter disregard for the public opinion in this matter. The governing parties have made it clear, both through the content of the proposed amendments and through the way in which the Draft Law was adopted and submitted to the parliamentary procedure, that their attention is only focused on over 200 positions that they will be able to fill with their cronies.

We are writing to you because the EU Delegation already intervened in the past regarding earlier proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service in FBiH, and especially because this Law is being presented as part of the Reform Agenda that should bring us closer to the EU even though its provisions are entirely contrary to the EU principles and will cause damage both to BiH citizens and the EU reform efforts in BiH.

The proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service in FBiH aim to “amputate” the most important positions in the civil service, namely those that were created with the sole intention of acting as a “heat shield” preventing unwarranted political interference, such as secretaries of institutions and assistant ministers (i.e. directors of administrative organisations). We would also like to remind you of the views of SIGMA, as well as those of the European Commission, that the civil service should be professional, which means, inter alia, that it should be competent and politically neutral. What these amendments are showing, however, is that the governing structures in FBiH have no regard for the views of the European Commission and even go so far as to cite the support of the EU Delegation to the Reform Agenda offering nothing but total ruination of public administration under the guise of public administration reform. Instead of addressing shortcomings in the existing system, the ruling coalition is dismantling the system, turning the civil service into a “political recruitment fair”.

Civil society organisations have on countless occasions in the past emphasised the need for more efficient and transparent public administration, but this process must not be misused in such a way to allow politicisation under the pretext of streamlining. We are concerned that such actions by those in power will move BiH away from the EU and discourage all potential investors in BiH, who instead of an efficient administration will get administration in which the main individual competence will be political obedience.

We are also concerned because the possible adoption of this Law will trigger an avalanche of similar moves at the cantonal and municipal levels, which will cause an even greater harm to the functioning, as well as entail additional costs to the already cumbersome public administration.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the trade unions of civil servants, who were not consulted in the drafting process, also expressed disapproval of this Draft Law and that the Office of the Government of FBiH for Legislation and Harmonisation with European Union Regulations issued an opinion that the Government of FBiH had violated procedures in the process of drafting the Draft Law, and that the proposed amendments run contrary to the principles of professional impartiality and political independence.

In the light of the foregoing, we want to believe that the Delegation of the EU will step up its efforts and show greater determination in its statements to put an end to this dismantling of the civil service. We hope that, after numerous statements about the necessity of de-politicisation of the civil service in BiH made by the European Commission officials (including in annual progress reports), the EU Delegation will not allow this blatant politicisation and capture of the civil service by the interests of political parties. Furthermore, given that the EU has invested extensive resources in the public administration reform in BiH, the reform process must not be allowed to backslide to what it was a decade ago.

We therefore appeal to the EU Delegation to seriously consider the effects of the adoption of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of FBiH, to do everything to put a stop to this process, and to ensure that the Law is returned to regular deliberation and passage procedure which would allow for the public debate.


Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina

Center for Investigative Reporting

Centers for Civic Initiatives

CPI Foundation

Open Society Fund BiH

CA Why Not

Open Letter to EU Delegation in BiH

The Draft Law on Combating Corruption, Organized and Most Serious Forms of Economic Crime of the Republic of Srpska in the service of political persecution

Banja Luka, 19th October, 2015. – Today the Committees of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska are going to receive the Draft Law on combating corruption, organized...

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The Draft Law on Combating Corruption, Organized and Most Serious Forms of Economic Crime of the Republic of Srpska in the service of political persecution

Banja Luka, 19th October, 2015. – Today the Committees of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska are going to receive the Draft Law on combating corruption, organized and the most serious forms of economic crime in the Republic of Srpska, aimed at creating the legal mechanisms for more efficient fight against corruption and the most serious forms of crime. The proponent is the working group of the ministry of Justice, composed of judges, prosecutors and judicial officials.


The main problem with the Draft Law is that it dramatically impinges on the basic human rights and freedoms, allowing thus prosecutorial authorities implement coercive actions which are directly contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the legal regulation in BiH governing this field. Furthermore, the proponent’s intention to include in this Law the political crimes under the guise of protecting the constitutional order is completely unacceptable. This actually makes clear the real intention of the proponent to use the provisions of this Draft Law to fight against the regime opponents, using thus anti-constitutional means.


Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) submitted its comment regarding the controversial Draft Law to all parliamentary groups in the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska since the proposed Draft Law is unacceptable for several reasons. First of all, in defining the competence of the Special Prosecutor’s Office the proponent predicted its responsibility for a series of so-called political crimes, such as bringing the Republic of Srpska into a subordinate or dependent position, and causing national, racial and religious hatred and intolerance, which actually deprives of any sense the basic purpose of the law enacted, and that is the more effective fight against corruption and organized crime. The Draft Law also gives excessive power to the prosecutorial investigators who will, among other things, have the right to arrest and keep a person up to 24h, but also the right to temporary restrict the movement to six hours the most. Such power, given to investigators, who would be allowed to arrest any person, i.e. “Individuals” as defined by the Draft Law, without obtaining the court warrant and the Prosecutor’s order first, represents the violation of basic human rights and freedoms and it is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is very dangerous that this Draft Law puts a number of political acts under the competence of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, since the Draft Law provides the prosecutorial investigator with the unconstitutional and undemocratic powers, which creates a legal basis for the potential political persecution or the persecution of the opponents. A Law which determines special powers and competencies in order to combat the corruption and organized crime must not be abused for political confrontations, and in this sense TI BiH urges Members of Parliament to prevent the adoption of controversial Draft Law which obviously intends to legalize the violation of human rights and freedoms.

Press rls 19.10.2015. eng

Presentation of the Brcko District Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka/Brčko, 18th October 2015. — Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has made, for the first time, a detailed assessment of the integrity system (LIS...

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Presentation of the Brcko District Integrity System Assessment

Banja Luka/Brčko, 18th October 2015. — Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has made, for the first time, a detailed assessment of the integrity system (LIS assessment) in 10 units of local self-government, including the Brcko District of BiH. The assessment was done on the basis of the methodology developed by the Transparency International and tested globally.

The aim of the assessment was to analyze the efficiency of the procedures and mechanisms to improve the transparency, accountability and integrity in order to fight the corruption locally, offering at the same time the recommendations for their further improvement.

Presentations will be held on Monday, 19th October 2015, at 12.00h in the official premises of the Brcko District Assembly.


Press rls 18.10.2015.

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