Holders of the highest state functions through pressure on the work of the judiciary have shown that political interests are placed above the implementation of the law and directly told the citizens that legal procedures are not the same for everyone
Sarajevo, 29. January 2016 – Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) strongly condemns the pressure on the judiciary, which has reached its peak in recent days with statements by senior government officials, which directly seek to influence the decisions and work of the judiciary and create an atmosphere of legal uncertainty.
Particularly worrying are statements by members of the BiH Presidency, which condemn judicial institutions, call for change in their decisions and accuse them of violating the ruling coalition. In this way, the holders of the highest state functions go beyond their competencies, taking prosecutorial and judicial competencies into their own hands.
TI BiH raises the question of how government representatives can talk about the rule of law, if inter-party and coalition relations are placed above law enforcement and directly tell citizens that legal procedures are not the same for everyone. This further deepens citizens’ distrust in the work of the judiciary, guided by personal and party interests and gives legitimacy to interference in the work of the judiciary.
In a democratic country, where the principle of the rule of law exists, it is absolutely inadmissible for holders of state office to use their position and power to exert undue influence on the work of judicial institutions. Ultimately, such behavior constitutes a criminal offense.
TI BiH appeals to the judicial institutions to provide space for unhindered action in accordance with the law, regardless of when the proceedings are conducted. Otherwise, legitimacy will be given to anyone in the future to question the decisions of the judiciary and discredit its work, which is very dangerous for the functioning of the entire constitutional order.
TI BiH also calls on the representatives of international missions in the country to support the work of judicial institutions, and to unequivocally distance themselves from individuals from their own ranks who have been publicly linked to possible illegalities, and publicly supported political pressure on judicial institutions.
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