Sarajevo, December 9, 2010 – If BiH wants to make progress in fighting corruption, the legislation must be harmonized with international standards and, even more important, laws must be implemented more decisively and cases of corruption must be prosecuted.
Transparency International BiH organized its annual Conference in the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day and the 10th anniversary of TI BiH.
International Anti-corruption day was the opportunity to look back onthe state of corruption and results of combating corruption through the open dialogue of authorities’ representatives, members of international institutions, civil society and experts. Special attention was dedicated to reviewing theBiH perspective towards European integrations, with special focus on implementation of anti-corruption reforms and harmonization of legislation with international conventions.
The Conference introduced indicators that show the level implementation of anti-corruption laws, implementation of Anti-corruption Strategy, Global Corruption Barometer for 2010, and analysis of compliance of BiH legal frame with international anti-corruption standards and conventions. Representing their institutions, MiloradBarasin (Chief Prosecutor), SadikAhmetovic, (Minister of Security) and BrankoPetric (member of Central Election Commission BiH) presented results of the work of these institutions.
Mr. Barasinemphasized that it is necessary to adopt new legislation in BiH, and supplement the existing one, since current laws do not define criminal acts of corruption in a satisfying way, which presents a big obstacle in investigation the cases of corruption. As the biggest priority, Mr. Barasin pointed confiscation of illegally acquired property, adopting this law on the state level and responsible disposal of seized property. Mr. BrankoPetric from Central Election Commission BiH also made appeal for improvement of the legal framework, especially relating to conflict of interest, and invited all the actors to act together in putting pressure on the Parliament, in order to adopt these amendments. Mr. SadikAhmetovic, Minister of Security, showed some more optimism and pointed out to thefoundation of the Agency and adoption of the Anti-Corruption Strategy as a proof that there is dedication for fighting corruption.
On the other hand, the fact that Anti-Corruption Agency has still not been established, although all deadlines have already expired, was pointed as the biggest problem in Strategy implementation.
Results of Global Corruption Barometer were also presented showing that the most significant and, at the same time, the most disappointing fact is that 71% of citizens in BiH is dissatisfied with authorities’ actions, which makes the highest percent among all the 86 counties where research was undertaken.
Joint message of all participants of Conference, was that BiH needs much stronger political will, showed through decisive action, along with much more forceful prosecution of corruption, which is also indicated in international institutions’ reports. Mr. David Gordon-Macleod, deputy of the UK Ambassador in BiH, accentuated this in his opening remarks: “Authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina must focus their attempts on actions, not words. Key factor in fighting corruption is political leadership and political will to find solutions. Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina have a right to expect such leadership. International Community expects newly-chosen government to take all the necessary steps for achieving this. Great Britain is supporting the work of Transparency International in this area, in monitoring and assessment of Strategy implementation, and supporting policies development.”
TI BiH hopes that recommendations given during the Conference will be respected by authorities’ representatives who participated at Conference, and that the state of corruption that has been in stagnation for the 10 years of TI BiH existence will be changed for better in the near future.
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