Press releases

Panel discussion „Anti-corruption agenda 2022“

As part of celebrating the International Anti-Corruption Day, Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a panel discussion entitled...

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Panel discussion „Anti-corruption agenda 2022“

As part of celebrating the International Anti-Corruption Day, Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a panel discussion entitled „Anti-corruption agenda 2022“. (more…)

On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day: Round Table “To make public procurement public”

Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) organizes a round table called “To make public procurement public”, supported by the Open Society Fund BiH and the Institute for...

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On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day: Round Table “To make public procurement public”

Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) organizes a round table called “To make public procurement public”, supported by the Open Society Fund BiH and the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information Georgia. This event will be the opportunity to present methodology of ranking countries based on transparency of public procurements, and the current position of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the list of public procurement transparency. (more…)

Concerning trends in corruption prosecution: more than two-thirds of corruption cases were completed with suspended sentences

Negative trends are also visible in the decrease in the number of reports and the number of investigations, as well as the number of charges brought, while the number of judgments...

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Concerning trends in corruption prosecution: more than two-thirds of corruption cases were completed with suspended sentences

Negative trends are also visible in the decrease in the number of reports and the number of investigations, as well as the number of charges brought, while the number of judgments delivered by courts in corruption criminal cases remained the same. (more…)

The International Anti-Corruption Day: TI BiH organizes a conference entitled “Prosecution of corruption and integrity of judiciary”

TI BiH is organizing a conference entitled “Prosecution of corruption and integrity of judiciary”on the occasion of marking the International Anti-Corruption...

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The International Anti-Corruption Day: TI BiH organizes a conference entitled “Prosecution of corruption and integrity of judiciary”

TI BiH is organizing a conference entitled “Prosecution of corruption and integrity of judiciary”on the occasion of marking the International Anti-Corruption Day. (more…)

The District Prosecutor’s Office Banja Luka will not conduct any investigation against Dodik

The Prosecutor’s Office brought a decision not to conduct any investigation against Milorad Dodik in a very short time, while Dodik’s speech given at the opening of the...

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The District Prosecutor’s Office Banja Luka will not conduct any investigation against Dodik

The Prosecutor’s Office brought a decision not to conduct any investigation against Milorad Dodik in a very short time, while Dodik’s speech given at the opening of the University Clinical Center Banja Luka was characterized as a pre-election meeting, without considering the allegations from the complaint and the controversial situation in which specific threats were directed to health worker. (more…)

The Federation of BiH abandoned the system of professional civil service?

The abandonment of two-instance system within the public competition procedure actually represents abandoning of the professional civil service system, and it is indicative that...

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The Federation of BiH abandoned the system of professional civil service?

The abandonment of two-instance system within the public competition procedure actually represents abandoning of the professional civil service system, and it is indicative that it was done only a year prior to the election. (more…)

TI BiH filed complaints about the abuse of patients personal data for the political promotion of the candidate Vlado Dzajic

A large number of citizens left their personal data during the free health checks organized by the Center for Prevention of Stroke, including phone numbers, and accepting to have...

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TI BiH filed complaints about the abuse of patients personal data for the political promotion of the candidate Vlado Dzajic

A large number of citizens left their personal data during the free health checks organized by the Center for Prevention of Stroke, including phone numbers, and accepting to have them used for health purposes, but not for the purpose of election promotion (more…)

Political parties have spent more than 8 million BAM for TV advertising, political gatherings and billboards so far

Until 2nd October, nine political parties spent more than 2,1 million BAM on TV and print advertising, while 10 political parties have organized more than 430 political meetings...

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Political parties have spent more than 8 million BAM for TV advertising, political gatherings and billboards so far

Until 2nd October, nine political parties spent more than 2,1 million BAM on TV and print advertising, while 10 political parties have organized more than 430 political meetings and events, whose organization cost more than 2 million BAM, which in total with the estimated costs of advertising through the form of billboards, posters and leaflets is minimum 8 million BAM. (more…)

The most difficult access is to information related to the way public funds are spent

Although about two-thirds of public authorities in RS and FBiH submitted information on the way grants, subsidies and scholarships has been spent, 70% of RS institutions and 50%...

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The most difficult access is to information related to the way public funds are spent

Although about two-thirds of public authorities in RS and FBiH submitted information on the way grants, subsidies and scholarships has been spent, 70% of RS institutions and 50% of FBiH institutions has not delivered all requested information, but only partial replies and total amounts, without any details about final users of the funds. (more…)

TI BiH organizes a conference on the occasion of the International Day of Free Access to Information

Press rls 27 September 2018 – On the occasion of the International Day of Free Access to Information, Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) is organizing a conference...

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TI BiH organizes a conference on the occasion of the International Day of Free Access to Information

Press rls 27 September 2018 – On the occasion of the International Day of Free Access to Information, Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) is organizing a conference entitled „Transparency of public funds distribution – data availability and open government perspectives“.

TI BiH will use this opportunity to present the results of an extensive research related to directing public funds for grants, subsidies, patronage and sponsorhips, scholarships and single financial aid in 2016 and 2017. One part of the conference will be dedicated to the possibilities that new technologies can provide in terms of access to relevant data in the possession of public institutions. Special attention will be paid to the concept of open government, and challenges and obstacles encountered by individuals and organizations during data collection, including the way institutions collect, archive and provide data.

The conference will be held on Friday, 28thSeptember 2018, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo (address: Vladislava Skarica no.5) at 12.00h.

The press conference will be held at 11.30h.

The agenda is provided in Press rls

Press rls 27_9_2018_e

TI BiH filed criminal charges against Milorad Dodik

Transparency International in BiH filed criminal charges against Milorad Dodik, and a complaint to the Central Election Commission, for his statements given during public speeches...

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TI BiH filed criminal charges against Milorad Dodik

Transparency International in BiH filed criminal charges against Milorad Dodik, and a complaint to the Central Election Commission, for his statements given during public speeches directly threatening to pensioners, health workers, employees of RiTE Gacko etc,. aimed at bribing voters and making an inappropriate influence on them. (more…)

Ten political parties spent more than BAM 790.000 on media advertising in just ten days

Monitoring of the election campaign in the past two weeks showed that political parties SNSD and SDS spent the most funds on advertising, which primarily includes TV and print...

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Ten political parties spent more than BAM 790.000 on media advertising in just ten days

Monitoring of the election campaign in the past two weeks showed that political parties SNSD and SDS spent the most funds on advertising, which primarily includes TV and print media advertising. (more…)

TI BiH to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska: Spontaneous gathering of citizens is an international standard

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska (MIA RS) warned the activists of the group Pravda za Davida (Justice for David) that they failed to inform the Ministry...

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TI BiH to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska: Spontaneous gathering of citizens is an international standard

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska (MIA RS) warned the activists of the group Pravda za Davida (Justice for David) that they failed to inform the Ministry about gathering. TI BiH warns that every democratic society offers a possibility of spontaneous gathering as an expression of political and civil freedoms. (more…)

The UCC RS campaign was misused to promote SNSD candidates

TI BiH submitted an additional report to the CEC of BiH due to the abuse of the campaign of the UCC RS “Everyone under one roof” for the purpose of promoting the SNSD...

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The UCC RS campaign was misused to promote SNSD candidates

TI BiH submitted an additional report to the CEC of BiH due to the abuse of the campaign of the UCC RS “Everyone under one roof” for the purpose of promoting the SNSD candidate. The UCC RS refused to provide information on the funds spent on the campaign and the procedures for procuring services for the creation and distribution of promotional materials.


Abuse of the campaign “Prevention of Stroke” for the promotion of SNSD candidate

TI BiH informed Central Election Commission BiH (CEC BiH) that a campaign “Prevention of Stroke” which is being launched currently in RS and financed from public funds, is...

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Abuse of the campaign “Prevention of Stroke” for the promotion of SNSD candidate

TI BiH informed Central Election Commission BiH (CEC BiH) that a campaign “Prevention of Stroke” which is being launched currently in RS and financed from public funds, is used for personal promotion of the Director of the University Clinical Center of RS (UCC RS) Vlado Dzajic, a candidate of SNSD for an MP of the National Assembly of RS (NARS), and thus making a non-permitted influence on voters. (more…)

Ombudsmen confirm: Controversial way of allocating funds for start-up self-employment programs

The public call was open on the website of the Federal Employment Agency (FZZZ) for only one minute, which caused outrage in the public, especially among applicants whose...

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Ombudsmen confirm: Controversial way of allocating funds for start-up self-employment programs

The public call was open on the website of the Federal Employment Agency (FZZZ) for only one minute, which caused outrage in the public, especially among applicants whose applications were rejected only because they were not among the fastest. (more…)

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