The team of monitors of the Open Society Fund BiH, Development Agency Eda Banja Luka, Transparency International BiH, Center for Investigative Journalism BiH and UG “Tender” Banja Luka, in the period April-September 2017. monitored public procurement of 173 contracting authorities throughout BiH. The monitoring covered 1566 public procurement procedures worth over 500 million KM. The contracting authorities are divided into 16 levels, which ensured that the monitoring process included all levels of government in BiH.
Given the complexity of the public procurement system, monitoring and the monitoring findings themselves, the presentation of the results related to tender documents or misuse of technical specifications will be held on Monday, October 16. in the Press Center Banja Luka, Kralja Petra I Karadjordjevica 97 (Hotel “Bosna”) starting at 11:00.
During the monitoring, characteristic patterns of behavior of contracting authorities were determined, frequent changes in public procurement plans, selected procurement procedures, their values, and the date of initiating the procedure, ie concluding the contract. Technical specifications are abused and certain goods / works / services of certain bidders are preferred. Most often, public procurement plans are available to the public, but there are no explanations for their changes or additions, which calls into question their very validity.
During the monitoring, the team assessed the current public procurement procedures and the contracting authorities that conduct them as critical, bad or good, with special emphasis on the tender documentation, ie the correction of technical specifications.
On behalf of the project team, the findings of the 6-month monitoring will be presented to the media by:
Mervan Miraščija – BiH Open Society Fund
Bojan Kovacevic- EDA,
Aleksandra Martinović – TI BiH,
Aleksandar Draganić- EDA,
Igor Vukajlovic – UG Tender.
For more information about the press conference and confirmation of attendance, please contact the ZPR agency by phone 033 263 505.
INVITATION TO THE MEDIA BANJA LUKA INVITATION TO THE MEDIA_to make public procurements public_BL 14.10.2017.
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