TI BiH is organizing a conference entitled Transparency and accountability of financing political parties
13 December 2017
Sarajevo 13th December 2017 – Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a conference entitled Transparency and accountability of financing political parties, as one of the activities related to the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day.
A special emphasis of the conference will be put on presenting the proposal for improvement of the Law on financing political parties, with reference to the international standards in the field of financing political parties and campaigns, and the level of following those standards in BiH.
The conference will be attended by the representatives of the relevant institutions in BiH, political parties, Central Election Commission, civil society organizations and the media in order to present the existing situation and the best practice standards. Also, the experts from the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe and from the OSCE/ODIHR will participate as panelists.
The conference will be held on Thursday, 14th December 2017 at the Hotel Europe (Atrium hall) in Sarajevo, at 10.30h. Please find the agenda attached.
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