Dobrila Drinić, Radmila Stojnić, Srđan Amidžić and Željka Stojičić, members of the Finance and Budget Committee of the RS National Assembly, voted yesterday against the proposal of Transparency International BiH that Slavica Injac, director of the RS Banking Agency, be invited to a public hearing before the parliamentary committee on the affair Beaver bank. The proposal was rejected with four votes against, five votes in favor, but two members of the Committee did not attend the session, so the required majority of six members was not reached.
At the same time, the Special Prosecutor’s Office of RS informed TI BiH that there are no grounds for suspicion that there is organized crime in the case of Bobar Bank, as well as that criminal acts that were possibly committed by unknown persons misappropriated 9,968,349.90 KM from the bank’s vault. committed a number of other criminal offenses, do not fall under their jurisdiction because “it could not be classified as the most serious forms of criminal offenses against the economy and payments and against official duty, where prosecution is of special importance for the Republika Srpska.” In this way, the Chief Special Prosecutor Miodrag Bajić demonstrated the worrying avoidance of responsibility, making meaningless the very purpose of the existence of the institution he heads.
With the inaction of the RS Special Prosecutor’s Office and the refusal of the ruling coalition MPs to investigate the work of Slavica Injac and the RS Banking Agency, the Republika Srpska institutions put an end to the Bobar Bank affair. The refusal of the appointed members of the RS Finance and Budget Committee to question Slavica Injac found that there was no political will of the current ruling majority in Republika Srpska to deal with organized crime, while the RS Special Prosecutor’s Office responded that the lack of political will was felt institution. In this way, despite the criminal reports of the Banking Agency on the disappearance of money from the bank’s vault, as well as numerous criminal reports of Bobar Bank employees and other citizens, none of the institutions is currently dealing with this case, which confirms suspicions that it is systemic and institutional. covering up organized crime.
TI BiH calls on the Finance and Budget Committee to reconsider, in its full composition, the initiative for a public hearing of the Director of the RS Banking Agency and to enable, at least in this way, through the control role of the legislature, to determine responsibility for bank failures and abuses. caused great losses for public institutions whose funds were entrusted to Bobar Bank.
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