Students of the Secondary School for Environment and Wood Design Sarajevo visited Transparency International BiH
21 March 2017
Students of the section “Civitas” of the Secondary School for Environment and Wood Design Sarajevo, accompanied by professor Selvira Masnic, visited Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH).
Within the project “Me the Citizen” members of this section initiated activities related to raising awareness among the high school students and wider social community about the harmful effects of corruption.
This was also the opportunity for the hosts to explain to the students the corruption issues in BiH, and to present the current projects and activities being conducted by TI BiH regarding the anti-corruption fight. Particularly welcomed was the initiative of the students to raise the awareness about the harmfulness of corruption in BiH society, and they were offered support in their future activities. Students said they were pleased they had a chance to get significant information that should help them in the implementation of their activities.
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