Presentation of the final results of the evaluation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy 2009-2014
15 May 2014
The results of evaluation conclude has the Anti-Corruption Strategy 2009-2014 has not achieved set objectives, and that the effects of the Strategy and their visibility are very weak.
Key challenges in the implementation of the Strategy are the lack of political will, which was directly reflected in delays in the implementation of the planned measures, mainly delays in appointment of the management of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption and ensuring financial resources for its functioning. Moreover, the lack of coordination and participation of all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the Strategy, as well as the lack of ‘’local ownership’’ of the preparation of the strategic documents are also found to have affected the Anti-Corruption Strategy.
The event was opened by welcoming remarks by Natalia Dianiskova, Head of Operations Section for Social Development, Civil Society, Cross Border Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Srdjan Blagovčanin, Executive Director of the Transparency International BiH.
‘’ Fight against corruption means having a proper legislative framework, including the bold strategy adopted and implemented at all levels of the governments. New Anti-Corruption Strategy needs to be in accordance with the requirements of EU, aligned with adopted and ratified conventions and applicable in local context, covering all necessary aspects of fight against corruption. This strategy needs to be inclusive, to meet expatiations of all relevant stakeholders including the civil society organizations. ”, said Natalia Dianiskova.
‘’The new Anti-Corruption Strategy must be grounded in lessons learnt from previous Strategies. BiH has lost lot of time and can no longer afford itself a luxury that the new anticorruption strategy remains again a dead letter that does not oblige anyone to anything.’’, stated Srđan Blagovčanin in his welcoming remarks.
Besides the presentation of the final results of the evaluation of the Anti-Corruption strategy and impacts of its implementation, detailed methodological approach for preparation of the Strategy and Action plan for the period 2015-2019 was also presented. Furthermore, participants discussed about the challenges in elaboration and adoption the new anti-corruption Strategy.
The European Union is funding project “Strengthening integrity and good governance for better implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy from local to national level” in the amount of 178.700 EUR from IPA 2010.
The project’s goal is to contribute fight against corruption in BiH by strengthening integrity, improving standards of governance and levels of transparency in the work of public institutions. Specific objective is to promote evidence-based and effective anti-corruption policy at both local and national level.
The project has duration of 24 months and it is implemented by the Transparency International BiH.
Presentation of the final results of the evaluation of the ACS 2009-2014
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