Press releases

Draft Law on Free Access to Information endangers media and civil freedoms

Civil society organizations submitted to the BiH Ministry of Justice a request to withdraw from the procedure a Draft Law on Free Access to Information, since it is threatening to...

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Draft Law on Free Access to Information endangers media and civil freedoms

Civil society organizations submitted to the BiH Ministry of Justice a request to withdraw from the procedure a Draft Law on Free Access to Information, since it is threatening to revoke the rights in the field of access to information and it is not in compliance with the international standards (more…)

TI BiH is organizing a round table entitled „Managerial capacities in public administration: Who is managing public administration in BiH and how?“

Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH), in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting, is organizing a round table entitled „Managerial capacities in public...

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TI BiH is organizing a round table entitled „Managerial capacities in public administration: Who is managing public administration in BiH and how?“

Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH), in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Reporting, is organizing a round table entitled „Managerial capacities in public administration: Who is managing public administration in BiH and how?“ (more…)

TI BiH is organizing a round table on public procurement in the health sector (Banja Luka)

– Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with Transparency International from the Czech Republic is organizing a round table „Public...

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TI BiH is organizing a round table on public procurement in the health sector (Banja Luka)

– Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with Transparency International from the Czech Republic is organizing a round table „Public procurement in the health sector: How to improve the public procurement system?“, which will be the opportunity to present key recommendations for the improvement of public procurement system in the health sector of BiH. (more…)

TI BiH is organizing a round table on public procurement in the health sector (Sarajevo)

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with Transparency International from the Czech Republic is organizing a round table „Public...

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TI BiH is organizing a round table on public procurement in the health sector (Sarajevo)

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), in cooperation with Transparency International from the Czech Republic is organizing a round table „Public procurement in the health sector: How to improve the public procurement system?“, which will be the opportunity to present key recommendations for the improvement of public procurement system in the health sector of BiH. (more…)

TI BiH presents a report on implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a press conference at which it will present a report on the implementation of the United Nations...

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TI BiH presents a report on implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a press conference at which it will present a report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

20 municipalities developed their integrity plans in cooperation with TI BiH

Mayors of municipalities agree that the implementation of integrity plans and improvement of transparency in municipalities will be an important factor for the development of...

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20 municipalities developed their integrity plans in cooperation with TI BiH

Mayors of municipalities agree that the implementation of integrity plans and improvement of transparency in municipalities will be an important factor for the development of municipalities and attraction of investments (more…)

TI BiH is organizing a conference „Strengthening Integrity in Local Governments“

The conference will be an opportunity to present the results of the cooperation with 20 municipalities from all over BiH to create integrity plans, aimed at strengthening their...

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TI BiH is organizing a conference „Strengthening Integrity in Local Governments“

The conference will be an opportunity to present the results of the cooperation with 20 municipalities from all over BiH to create integrity plans, aimed at strengthening their transparency and accountability (more…)

Global Corruption Barometer: BiH is one of the worst-rated countries in Europe and Central Asia

BiH is among the countries with the most serious problems related to corruption, and it obtained negative ratings in all categories of the...

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Global Corruption Barometer: BiH is one of the worst-rated countries in Europe and Central Asia

BiH is among the countries with the most serious problems related to corruption, and it obtained negative ratings in all categories of the research (more…)

TI BiH presents results of Global Corruption Barometer

Transparency International in BiH is organizing a press conference at which it will present Global Corruption Barometer 2016, i.e. key findings of this research for Europe and...

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TI BiH presents results of Global Corruption Barometer

Transparency International in BiH is organizing a press conference at which it will present Global Corruption Barometer 2016, i.e. key findings of this research for Europe and Central Asia, with special emphasis on Bosnia and Herzegovina findings. (more…)

TI BiH is organizing a round table in Sarajevo entitled „Trapped country: informal mechanisms and relations between political and economic actors in the South East European countries“

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a round table entitled „Trapped country: informal mechanisms and relations between political and economic...

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TI BiH is organizing a round table in Sarajevo entitled „Trapped country: informal mechanisms and relations between political and economic actors in the South East European countries“

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a round table entitled „Trapped country: informal mechanisms and relations between political and economic actors in the South East European countries“, in cooperation with SeConS development initiative group from Belgrade. (more…)

NGOs are urging governments to make urgent appointments to the Open Government Partnership Advisory Council

The coalition of non-governmental organizations gathered around the “Partnership for Open Government” initiative welcomes the Decision of the Council of Ministers on...

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NGOs are urging governments to make urgent appointments to the Open Government Partnership Advisory Council

The coalition of non-governmental organizations gathered around the “Partnership for Open Government” initiative welcomes the Decision of the Council of Ministers on the establishment of the BiH Advisory Council, and appeals to the entity governments and the Brcko District Government to urgently appoint their representatives to the Advisory Council. (more…)

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BIH) is organizing TI BiH Academy for Women Empowerment in Politics (TI BiH Academy) Tuzla 27.10.2016. – 28.10.2016.

Within two-day lectures and practice workshops, the attendees will have a chance to learn about: 1. Participation of women in politics (Tanja Topic, lecturer) 2. Role of integrity...

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Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BIH) is organizing TI BiH Academy for Women Empowerment in Politics (TI BiH Academy) Tuzla 27.10.2016. – 28.10.2016.

Within two-day lectures and practice workshops, the attendees will have a chance to learn about:
1. Participation of women in politics (Tanja Topic, lecturer)
2. Role of integrity and transparency in politics (Srdjan Blagovcanin, lecturer)
3. Leadership and politics (Edita Miftari, lecturer)
Applications should be sent no later than 25th October 2016.
The main goal of TI BiH Academy is to get the attendees now better topics of politic empowerment of women, through:
• the insight into theoretical achievements and by displaying practical experiences, in which way they will raise the awareness of the academy attendees and improve their knowledge regarding the specific topic,
• and motivation of the attendees to be socially engaged, and to implement the gained knowledge and developed analytical skills in practice.
The selected attendees are expected to be dedicated to the topics, to take active role in discussions and to write an essay referring to one of the discussed topics. The best essays will be published in a specially prepared publication.
Terms of participation:
– Attendees must be highly motivated to acquire knowledge regarding topics related to the empowerment of women in politics, and do not have to necessarily be the socio-economic science students;
– Attendees may be high schools students in final year and university students aged 18 to 28;
– Attendees are expected to be dedicated, to take active role in discussions and work, and to read the recommended literature prior to the start of TI BiH Academy;
– All attendees are obliged to write a final essay regarding one of the chosen topics as agreed upon with the lecturer, and the best essays, as decided by TI BiH, will be published in a specially prepared publication;
– Advantage in selection of attendees will be given to the university and high school students who are members of marginalized groups.
Work methodology:
TI BiH Academy will base its work on expert lectures and discussions which will be moderated by lecturers so to make the participation of attendees as active as possible. TI BiH Academy will be organized as an intensive two-day course. All attendees will be provided literature that will be obligatory to be read prior to the start of lectures. It is planned to have 20 attendees in each city.
Cost of participation:
Participation for the selected attendees of TI BiH Academy is free of charge, and fully covered by Transparency International BiH with a support of Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. Transparency International BiH does not cover accommodation costs, nor the travel costs of the attendees.
How to apply:
Applications in the form of short biography and cover letter should be sent to no later than 25th October 2016 for TI BiH Academy that will take place in Tuzla on 27th and 28th October 2016.
For all additional questions and information please contact: 051/224-520. Contact persons: Milena Mastalo and Marko Vujic.

Draft Law on Civil Servants and Employees in Local Self-Government Units of RS adopted many recommendations provided by TI BiH

adopted many recommendations provided by TI BiH TI BiH welcomes the solutions that better regulate the public competition procedure, so, for example, now the mayors and heads of...

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Draft Law on Civil Servants and Employees in Local Self-Government Units of RS adopted many recommendations provided by TI BiH

adopted many recommendations provided by TI BiH
TI BiH welcomes the solutions that better regulate the public competition procedure, so, for example, now the mayors and heads of municipalities are obliged to choose the best-ranked candidate, which is something insisted on persistently during the public debate.

Draft Law on Local Self-Government still violates the independence of cities and municipalities

The Draft Law has not prescribed the judicial protection for the presidents of the dissolved assemblies, which can now be dissolved by the National Assembly of the Republic of...

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Draft Law on Local Self-Government still violates the independence of cities and municipalities

The Draft Law has not prescribed the judicial protection for the presidents of the dissolved assemblies, which can now be dissolved by the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska upon the proposal of the Government. TI BiH believes that only the judicial protection is the appropriate guarantee for the interference of central government bodies into the work of local self-government. (more…)

Introduce a legal obligation of proactive disclosure of information

TI BiH held first of several training courses for the FBiH institutions related to the proactive transparency and data openness. Participants and organizers emphasized the changes...

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Introduce a legal obligation of proactive disclosure of information

TI BiH held first of several training courses for the FBiH institutions related to the proactive transparency and data openness. Participants and organizers emphasized the changes to the legal framework as a priority through the introduction of provisions on obligatory disclosure of information of public importance (more…)

TI BiH starts with training courses for FBiH institutions in the field of proactive transparency

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing the first of total six training courses related to proactive transparency, openness and accountability....

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TI BiH starts with training courses for FBiH institutions in the field of proactive transparency

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing the first of total six training courses related to proactive transparency, openness and accountability. TI BIH will use these training courses to promote the principles and standards of the Open Government Partnership, and to present the analysis of the current situation in the institutions of the Federation of BiH in regard to the issues of transparency and openness of data. (more…)

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