A meeting was held on the occasion of the creation of the Open Government Partnership Action Plan
18 November 2014
In September 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina became 65. member of the global initiative Partnership for Open Government, which undertook to accept and promote the core values of the Partnership, and cooperation with civil society in planning and defining the national action plan, as well as implementing the activities it provides. Given that the adoption and presentation of the action plan is one of the activities that BiH as a new member of the Partnership must carry out by July 2015, a meeting of representatives of institutions organized so far companies that have been most active in advocacy activities for accession, with the aim of specifying the next steps when it comes to the action planning process. The meeting was also attended by Irena Bojadžievska, State OGP Coordinator for Macedonia and representative of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration of Macedonia, and Saša Šegrt, GONG Project Development Manager from Croatia, who reviewed the action planning procedures in Macedonia and Croatia from the government’s point of view. and civil society. Representatives of the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the BiH Ministry of Justice and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office gave brief reviews of the current situation and perspectives of BiH, and challenges for the further process of adopting the action plan. Despite the current limiting circumstances due to the process of forming a new government at all levels, the representatives of the institutions expressed their readiness to take concrete steps soon when it comes to starting the action planning process and close cooperation with civil society. The adoption of the future action plan will cover a wider range of institutions and civil society organizations, and the process itself will be published in a timely manner so that the general public can be involved in identifying major challenges and proposing measures to be included in the action plan. Press rls – 18 11 2014 doc
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