After the TI BiH report: RS Ministry of Education and Culture must destroy lists of workers who give up personal income
08 May 2020
After the report of TI BiH, the Agency for Personal Data Protection confirmed that the Ministry of Education and Culture of RS illegally compiled lists of workers who give up personal income in favor of the Solidarity Fund.
Banja Luka, 8. May 2020 — The BiH Agency for Personal Data Protection has banned the RS Ministry of Education and Culture from compiling lists of employees who waive personal income in favor of the Solidarity Fund, because it is an illegal practice. After Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) reported to the Agency that these lists were compiled without a legal basis and could serve as a means of pressure and discrimination against workers who did not agree, the Agency conducted a procedure and ordered the destruction of the lists.
– The Agency banned the Ministry from requiring primary and secondary schools, cultural institutions, dormitories and administrative organizations within the Ministry to compile lists of employees who signed statements and agreed to direct a certain percentage of personal income for March to the Solidarity Fund, and ordered to delete and destroy all submitted lists of employees, it is stated in the decision of the Agency for Personal Data Protection of BiH.
TI BiH reported this case because compiling the lists violates the principle of voluntariness. After the public was informed about that, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS reacted, rejecting the allegations that the principle of voluntariness is violated in the educational system when paying into the Fund.
– Nand the basis of the conclusion of the Government of Srpska from 26. In March, it was proposed that each manager inform the employees that they can direct a certain percentage of their personal income for March to the special purposes of the Solidarity Fund for the Reconstruction of Srpska, fully respecting the principle of voluntariness and solidarity.. In a letter sent to educational institutions, the Ministry clarified the details of the procedure for payment of funds to the Solidarity Fund, without violating in any way the Law on Personal Data Protection , it is stated in the reaction of the Ministry sent 4. April.
Although the statement of the Ministry does not mention that the compilation of lists was ordered, the Agency for Personal Data Protection in the conducted procedure established that for the purpose of regular control of salary calculation, compilation of lists and their submission to the Ministry was requested. From the beginning, TI BiH claimed that the lists could be used as a means of putting pressure on employees, and we remind you that employee representatives also presented information to the public that certain directors are forcing employees to give up part of their income.
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