Memorandum of Cooperation signed between Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) and the American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham in BiH)
22 May 2019
Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) and the American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham in BiH) have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation defining areas and activities of common interest to the signatories of the memorandum, primarily in the field of corruption prevention. The memorandum was signed by Srđan Blagovčanin, Chairman of the Board of TI BiH and Kenan Karčić, President of the Board of AmCham in BiH.
Sarajevo, 21. May 2019 — Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) and the American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham in BiH) have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation defining areas and activities of common interest to the signatories of the memorandum, primarily in the field of corruption prevention. The memorandum was signed by Srđan Blagovčanin, Chairman of the Board of TI BiH and Kenan Karčić, President of the Board of AmCham in BiH.
In the forthcoming period, TI BiH and AmCham will strive to intensify cooperation with the private sector in order to remove obstacles that corruption poses to successful business. Having in mind the importance of strengthening ethics and integrity in the private sector, TI BiH and AmCham will strive to establish and develop cooperation with the private sector in order to improve the business atmosphere in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to developing long-term cooperation in the field of preventing and combating corruption, these two organizations will intensify the exchange of knowledge and experiences on the challenges facing the business community, and develop possible solutions in this regard.
By working together, TI BiH and AmCham will work to strengthen the principles of transparency, ethics, integrity and openness in the business community, and to improve corporate governance and ethical business.
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