TIAC mission is to contribute to strengthening civil society and improve the quality of public and private sector, promoting transparency, integrity and accountability. One of the main priorities will be to raise awareness about the devastating effects caused bycorruption, empowerment and provision of civic participation in the fight againstcorruption.
Miklosh Marshall, director of the Europe and Central Asia at TI Secretariat, said:”Transparency International partners finally got to work. With enthusiasm and expertisecan make a quality beginnings to create a critical mass to address the problem of corruption. ”
As a contribution to the campaign to raise awareness, TIAC will develop tools formonitoring the financing of election campaigns and parties, and promoting anti-corruption investigations. TI Portugal also intends to conduct the evaluation of existinganti-corruption laws and measures, monitoring of implementation of international conventions, such as the UN Convention Against Corruption, because Portugal is asignatory to the same time, monitoring of anti-corruption agency.
Accordingly, the objectives of TI partner organizations TIAC will be pressure on thepolitical class, to corruption has set a priority, and to achieve the necessary reforms for a more effective fight against corruption.
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