The first School of Integrity organized by the Transparency International BiH will start tomorrow in Travnik, as an intensive two-day course consisting of the expert lectures on the following topics: The Effects of Corruption on Economic Development, Good Governance and the Rule of Law, and Transparency and Free Access to Information.
Students and young people from four BiH towns (Travnik, Trebinje, Bijeljina and Bihac) will be able to find out more about the anti-corruption topics through the lectures given by the leading experts and practitioners, whereby the harmful effects of the corruption will be indicated as well as the devastating consequences of the same on the economic and legal system. The first School of Integrity which is going to be held in Travnik is one out of the planned four. The next one will be organized in Trebinje, by the middle of October. Some of the lecturers are Svetlana Cenic and Srdjan Blagovacnin who will give lectures on topics related to the effects of corruption on economic development, and the importance of the rule of law.
After the lectures in four selected towns are over, the best students will gather once again at the final workshop in Banja Luka, while their essays dealing with the corruption phenomena in our country will be published and presented in a specially prepared publication.
The School of Integrity in Travnik will start on 18th September, at 9h, at the University of Travnik. Students will be welcomed by the introductory lecture given by Lejla Ibranovic, Acting Executive Director of the Transparency International BiH.
Press release is planned at 08.45h.
TI BiH School of Integrity starts in Travnik
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