TI BiH presents the Corruption Perceptions Index for 2020. year

27 January 2021

Sarajevo, 27 January 2021Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH) is organizing a press conference to publish the results of the global report on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2020. year. A press conference will be held in Thursday, 28. January at 9 am at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo (Atrium Hall).

The Corruption Perceptions Index, published annually by Transparency International, is the most globally recognized indicator of the prevalence of corruption in the public sector. This year, it covered 180 countries and territories, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is based on expert analyzes as well as surveys of business community representatives around the world.

Focus CPI for 2020. year is the emergence of corruption during the pandemic COVID 19 where it turned out that it is not only a health and economic but also a corruption crisis. Countries with widespread corruption have proven to be the least capable of resolving the crisis that has accompanied the collapse of democratic standards.

Srđan Blagovčanin, Chairman of the Management Board of TI BiH, and Ivana Korajlić, Executive Director of TI BiH, will address the media at the presentation.


Press release_28_1_2021

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