TI BiH organizes conference entitled „BiH Judiciary: Status and Perspectives“

12 December 2019

Due to the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day, Transparency International in BiH, financially supported by the Swedish International Development Agency SIDA, is organizing a conference entitled „BiH Judiciary: Status and Perspectives“, which will be held on Friday, 13th December 2019 at the Hotel Bristol Novotel Sarajevo, at 10.0h.

Sarajevo, 12th December 2019 – Due to the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day, Transparency International in BiH, financially supported by the Swedish International Development Agency SIDA, is organizing a conference entitled „BiH Judiciary: Status and Perspectives“, which will be held on Friday, 13th December 2019 at the Hotel Bristol Novotel Sarajevo, at 10.0h.

The conference will be an opportunity to present the analysis „BiH Judiciary: Status and Perspectives“, made as a result of cooperation between TI BiH and Mr. Branko Peric, dealing with the current status of BiH judiciary. Specific emphasis is put on the functioning of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC), election and appointment procedures, integrity and accountability of the judicial function holders, but the analysis also provides recommendations for the improvement of BiH judiciary.

The conference will also serve as a place to present the results of monitoring prosecution of corruption offenses in 2018, and in the first 6 months of 2019, prepared by TI BiH, including the reports prepared by OSCE and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) referring to the monitoring prosecution of corruption cases.

Please find the agenda attached.

Press conference is planned to be held at 10.10h.

Press rls 12_12_2019_e


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