TI BiH is organizing a round table on the occasion of the International Day of Freedom of Access to Information
27 September 2021
Sarajevo, 27 September 2021. – Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a round table on the occasion of the International Day of Freedom of Access to Information. How transparent are public bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Is it possible to access information under the control of public authorities? What new Freedom of Information Act is needed? These are all issues that will be discussed by representatives of institutions, international organizations, the media and civil society.
TI BiH will present a study on monitoring the implementation of the Law on Freedom of Access to Information in the first nine months of the current . The research monitors transparency and publicity in the work of public companies, ministries at various levels of government, municipalities and judicial bodies, and from which information of public importance was requested.
The round table will be held in Tuesday, 28. September 2021, u Hotel Europa in Sarajevo (Vladislava Skarića 5), starting at 11 am. Statements for the media are scheduled for 10:45 a.m.
10:30 – 10:50 Registration of participants
10:45 – 11:00 Press statements
11:00 – 11:15 Introductory speech
- Srdjan Blagovcanin , Chairman of the Board of TI BiH
11:15 – 11:30 Presentation of the TI BiH research on the transparency of the work of public bodies
11:30 – 12:30 Panel – What new law do we need?
Moderator: Uglješa Vuković, TI BiH
- Ekaterina Dorodnova, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to BiH
- Slavka Alagić, Ministry of Justice of BiH
- Leila Bičakčić, Center for Investigative Journalism
- Jasminka Džumhur, Institution Ombudsman for Human Rights of BiH (tbc)
12:30 End of the round table
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