Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing regional conference on Financing of Political Parties- Law and Practice. The conference is dedicated to transparency of financing of political parties and election campaigns and to comparison of experiences in this are from the region and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In the conference, it will be presented the reports on 2014 General Election Campaign in BiH, and the results of the monitoring of the election campaign will be compared with the financial statement which political parties submitted to Central Election Commission. It will be discussed about recommendations for improvement of the legal framework with the aim of ensuring greater transparency of election campaigns and to prevent the abuse of public resources for campaigning.
Representatives of legislative and executive branches in BiH, political parties, Central Election Commission of BiH, civil society and the media from BiH, as well as representatives of Anti-Corruption Agency Serbia and organizations from the region that deal with monitoring of campaign financing are expected to participate in the conference.
The conference will be held on 30th March 2015, with the beginning at 10.00 a.m. at the Hotel Europa in Sarajevo.
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