TI BiH is submitting a proposal of the amendments to the Law to the members of Parliament and also to CIK (Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Ministry of justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through street actions, citizens will get the opportunity to give their opinion about Law amendments and to ask political parties anything they want to know about political parties’ financing
Transparency International BiH (TI BiH), is launching initiative for amending the Law on political party finance. Amendments would introduce the obligation of publishing the names of donors and amounts of money given to parties, as well as stricter sanctions Law violations. Main goal of the initiative is to increase the transparency of financing of the political parties and their accountability towards the citizens that vote for them.
Within this initiative, Transparency International BiH will submit proposal of Law amendments to members of Parliamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central election Commission of BiH and Ministry of justice of BiH. TI BiH will also organize street events in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, where citizens will be informed about the initiative; their opinions will be gathered through questionnaires and flyers and they will be given the opportunity to ask political parties all they want to know about the financing. The main goal of these events is to involve citizens into Law amending initiative and give them opportunity to give their own proposals for amendments.
TI BIH will present citizens’ opinions and questions to political parties at the conference that will be held with the aim of initiating a public debate on amendments to the Law. Considering the fact that current laws are not providing access to information about financing of political parties to citizens, TI BiH is trying to give citizens the opportunity to ask the questions and get the information, although indirectly.
Street events will be held on Wednesday, November 3, beginning at 1 p.m. in Sarajevo, next to Vječna vatra, and in Banja Luka, at Trg Krajine. TI BiH is inviting media to attend the action and give their contribution and support citizens’ right to access information about political party finance.
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