In September 24, 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina officially joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) as its 65th member, which aim is to encourage countries around the world to enhance transparency and better governance through undertaking concrete steps in legislation and practice. After joining the OGP initiative, Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with civil society is obliged to develop an action plan that identifies priorities and activities in the area of transparent and accountable governance, citizen participation in decision-making processes, and the use of new technologies and innovation to increase the openness of government.
The theme of the conference organized by TI BiH will be processes and principles of the development of the action plan, and it will be presented the experiences from the countries in the region that have already created and started implementation of the Action Plan. Civil society organizations will present the priorities that should be included in the Action Plan of BiH, while the leading institutions within the OGP initiative should present current and planned steps in the drafting and adoption of the Action Plan for the BiH.
The Conference will be held on Monday, 18th May 2015, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo (Atrium Hall), with the beginning at 10.30 a.m. The agenda is attached below. The press conference is planned to be held at 10.00 a.m.
TI BiH and the Coalition of NGOs Supporting Action Planning in BiH
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