TI BiH and FCJP organize the conference “Prevention of conflicts of interest in BiH: legal regulation”
28 September 2020
Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH), in cooperation with the Center for Public Justice Foundation (FCJP), is organizing a conference entitled ” Preventing conflicts of interest in BiH: legal regulation” which will be held September 29, 2020 in Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, starting at 10:30 a.m.
Sarajevo, 28 September 2020 – Transparency International in BiH (TI BiH), in cooperation with the Center for Public Law Foundation (FCJP), is organizing a conference entitled ” Preventing conflicts of interest in BiH: legal regulation” which will be held September 29, 2020 in Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, starting at 10:30 a.m.
The current legal framework that regulates the issue of conflicts of interest at the state level is unsatisfactory and does not provide for effective protection mechanisms, while at the level of the Federation of BiH it has not been implemented at all since 2013. . Inadequate regulation of this area is also recognized in the Opinion of the European Union for the membership of BiH, where the reform of the area of conflicts of interest is one of the 14 priorities emphasized in the Opinion. In the past period, TI BiH proposed solutions in this area in accordance with the best international standards and practices, and some of them are in the legislative procedure. The goal of the conference is to serve as a platform for further discussion with the aim of finding the most optimal solution for the legal regulation of the area of conflict of interest in BiH.
The conference will be attended by representatives of the legislative and executive authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, international organizations, civil society organizations and the media.
Statements for the media are planned at 10:45 am. Detailed information on the agenda can be found below.
Announcement for the media 29.9.2020.
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