TI BiH, ACCOUNT and Public Procurement Agency organize a conference regarding the Amendments to the Law on Public Procurement

18 June 2018

In addition to this, the conference will serve to exchange experiences between competent institutions and civil society organizations in regard to monitoring public procurement and current practice in this field used in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sarajevo, 18th June 2018 — Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), Anti-corruption Network ACCOUNT and Public Procurement Agency are organizing a conference entitled „Reform of BiH Public Procurement System“, at which it will present current and planned activities of the institutions and civil society organizations related to the improvements of the Law on Public Procurement, and monitoring of public procurement in BiH.

This will also be the opportunity to present proposals for the amendments to the Law on Public Procurement , including the proposals of the civil society organizations aimed at improving transparency and preventing corruption in public procurement.

In addition to this, the conference will serve to exchange experiences between competent institutions and civil society organizations in regard to monitoring public procurement and current practice in this field used in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The conference will be attended by the representatives of BiH Public Procurement Agency, BiH Procurement Review Body, institutions that comprised Working Group for Amendments to the Law, civil society organizations which are active in monitoring public procurement process, and relevant experts and representatives of international organizations and institutions. The opening remarks, beside the organizer, will also be given by the US Ambassador to BiH, Her Excellency Maureen Cormack, and Head of EU Delegation to BiH, Lars Gunnar Wigemark.

The conference will be held on 19th June 2018,starting at 09.00h, at the Hotel Bristol in Sarajevo. Please find the agenda attached.

Press conference will be held at 09.15h.

Press_Agenda 18_6_2018


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