The second set of proposed measures for the BiH Action Plan within the Open Government Partnership has been agreed

24 August 2015

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH), in cooperation with the coalition of non-governmental organizations and with the support of the Open Society Fund BiH, held a meeting at which another set of proposed measures on freedom of access to information was defined and agreed as a continuation of the public consultation process. within the Open Government Partnership. All agreed proposals for measures will be available to the general public until the end of October and open for comment on the portal

The mentioned meeting is the second in a series of meetings aimed at defining concrete measures and activities for the first BiH Action Plan, and represents the continuation of active work of TI BiH and the coalition of non-governmental organizations on creating more transparent and accountable government. In addition to representatives of the informal coalition of non-governmental organizations (TI BiH, CPI Foundation, Center for Social Research Analytics, Why Not, Center for Investigative Journalism), the meeting was attended by representatives of other NGOs and the executive. Representatives of the RS Information Society Agency presented the results so far as well as the planned activities within the OGP initiative, and contributed to the creation of the second set of proposed measures.

The second set of measures defines activities related to raising awareness of freedom of access to information, improving direct contact with civil society, and establishing an online platform at the level of BiH and entities to consult in the process of adopting laws and regulations, and launching central portals for publication of open data. All defined proposals for measures are available to the public and can be downloaded here , and are open for comment, and at the end of the process the measures will be presented to the coordinating body together with comments and proposals that will be recorded in the public consultation process.

It was once again called on all civil society institutions and organizations, the media and the academic community to contribute and enable civic participation throughout the action planning process, and on this occasion all interested parties are again invited to take part in defining the remaining measures as defined in advance. meeting schedule .

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