Lejla Ibranović, Executive Director of Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), met yesterday with the Prime Minister of the Federation of BiH Fadil Novalić.
The main topic of the meeting was the recent initiative of the FBiH Government to amend the Labor Law in terms of improving transparency in employment processes through the introduction of public competition obligations for all legal entities exercising public authority. Ibranović briefly presented the main recommendations and position of TI BiH related to the regulation of the public tender procedure in the public sector in FBiH. She pointed out that there is an urgent need to approach this issue in a comprehensive way if we want to solve the problem of corruption in employment, improve efficiency and effectiveness in public administration, and enable the employment of the highest quality staff. It was agreed at the meeting that TI BiH will submit its proposals to the Government of FBiH, and that it is available for any type of professional support and that it will continue to actively participate in legislative processes.
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