Banja Luka, September 14, 2010 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has been carrying out themonitoringand analysis of the first week of election campaign for 10 selected political parties, considering their advertising in print and electronic media.
Monitoring results indicate that StrankazaBiH and Saveznezavisnihsocijaldemokrata (SNSD) captured by far the most media space during the first days of campaign, and accordingly spent most funds. Especially interesting is the fact that these two parties spent more funds in the first seven days of a campaign than all the other parties covered by the research combined.
Average cost of advertising space in print and electronic media for these parties in first days of the campaign was around 10.000 KM per day. It is important to mention that the research involved only the most prominent electronic and print media in BiH. Radio stations and outdoor advertising were not covered due to lack of resources and capacities, so these numbers represent only a small part offunds spent in total.
What is also indicative is the choice of media for parties’ advertising – not surprisingly, SNSD is advertised only on RTRS, Nezavisnenovine, GlasSrpske, Fokus and Press RS. With the exception of Press RS, SNSD is the only political party being advertised in mentioned media. As a candidate for president of RS, on behalf of SNSD, MiloradDodik is the only political candidate advertising in media for this position, while other candidates are not present at all.
When it comes to candidates for Presidency of BiH, the most money was spent on the promotion of FahrudinRadoncic, candidate of the SavezzaboljubuducnostBiH (SBB BIH).
It is obvious that there is a repetition of practice when political parties that are in power spend most funds on pre-electoral campaigns and have the most aggressive campaigns as well. Considering that these results refer to the very beginning of the campaign, it is expected that the amounts of money spent on advertising are going to be incomparably higher as the time goes by.
TI BiHis taking this opportunity to warn political parties once again to carry out their campaigns in more transparent way, and let citizens have the insight into resources spent, along with their source. TI BiH will continue informing the public about funds spent on campaigns and about the level of responsibility of political parties during the campaign.
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