RUGIP spends millions on the business premises of party officials

BANJA LUKA, KOSTAJNICA – The Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs (RUGIP) of the Republic of Srpska will spend 4.5 million KM this year for the...

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BANJA LUKA, KOSTAJNICA – The Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs (RUGIP) of the Republic of Srpska will spend 4.5 million KM this year for the purchase of more business premises. The purchase that was recently realized in Kostajnica proves that everything is agreed in advance, and the money ends up in the pockets of party officials.

RUGIP issued a public call for the purchase of office space in Kostajnica in November last year and it clearly prescribed the characteristics of the requested space, number of floors, area, number of rooms…

The public invitation was just a cover because a purchase agreement was reached much earlier between the leaders of RUGIP and Irena Ilic, a member of the SNSD in that municipality, who was also the party’s candidate for the RS National Assembly in the last elections, CAPITAL sources claim. -a.

Although the procedure according to the announced Public Invitation was not completed, the CAPITAL portal announced in December that RUGIP was buying premises from the SNSD councilor . Business premises are located in the center of Kostajnica, at 1 Kralja Petra Street. Liberator.

These are the rooms in the building where the Imperial Café, which is owned by Igor Dragišić’s family, is located.

“Igor Dragišić is Irena Ilić’s brother, and the premises whose purchase was secretly agreed by the leaders from RUGIP with Ilić’s are located above the Dragišić’s cafes ,” said a source from the CAPITAL portal, we published in December.

At that time, RUGIP did not want to reveal details regarding the purchase of the facility in Kostajnica, emphasizing that the purchase process is underway.

Two months later, that information was confirmed and RUGIP bought the space that she had agreed with Ilić, which was registered to her brother’s wife.

Contract concluded with Irena Ilić’s daughter-in-law

RUGIP made sure that everything was “clean”, so it started with the realization of the agreement on the purchase of space by firing Ilić.

Namely, Ilić worked in RUGIP, but her contract expired at the end of December, because RUGIP considered that she should not work in their regional office at the time of the purchase of space, that because of that, and because of the fact that the councilor in local assembly, in a conflict of interest.

Since there is no parking next to the building where the business premises are located, and the conditions state that it is desirable, the leaders from RUGIP and Ilić even tried to persuade their Bosniak neighbors to sell them an old house in order to demolish it and build a parking lot. Because of the refusal, they gave up.

Since the purchase of the space could not be completed last year, RUGIP requested that the funds intended for the space in Kostajnica be transferred to the Plan for 2019. year.

The RS government is 24. January 2019 adopted the Plan of Survey and Cadastre Affairs for 2019. year in which it is stated that the transfer of approved, reserved and unspent money from the Plan 2018 will be performed. years for the purchase of business premises.

Among several business premises was the one in Kostajnica.

Plan for 2019 year was published 7. February in the “Official Gazette of RS”. It is prescribed that it enters into force on the eighth day from the day of publication, ie on the 15th. February.

Since the contract for the purchase of space in Kostajnica was waiting for RUGIP “like a shotgun”, it was concluded on the 14th. February. I guess they calculated in RUGIP that it is the eighth day, ie the day when the Plan, on the basis of which they can buy space, comes into force.

Predragović: Everything according to the law

The director of RUGIP, Bosiljka Predragović, stated in her answer to CAPITAL that the procedure of purchasing business premises for the needs of the Regional Unit in Kostajnica is in the final phase.

bosiljka predragović rugip“On the 14th. February 2019 year, a notary agreement was signed, and after obtaining a positive legal opinion from the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Srpska – Deputy Headquarters Prijedor. The next phase is the payment of the sale price and making a decision on the registration of the purchased business premises. The space is located in King Peter the First Liberator Street – the first zone of the municipality of Kostajnica. The space was bought from Stoja Dragišić at a price of 1,580 KM per square meter, which is a total of 228,057 KM for 144.34 square meters., said Predragović, which confirmed the writings of CAPITAL .

She added that the public invitation for the purchase of business premises was published on the 17th. November 2018 in “Večernji novosti” – an edition for the Republika Srpska, and that it is identical to other public invitations, except for the size that adjusts to the number of employees.

“For all purchased business premises, expertise is performed by a certified court expert in the field of construction and architecture and a certified appraiser. According to this public call, only one bidder who meets all the conditions appeared and the hired expert prepared reports. “, Predragović pointed out.

She pointed out that the Technical Report for the offered business space was made, in which the expert pointed out that it technically meets all the conditions of the public invitation, and the Report on market value assessment according to which the price of 1,580 KM per square meter was determined.which is significantly lower than offered and according to which the said business premises were purchased “ .

Predragović says that the public invitation did not ask for a parking space, nor do they have a plan for 2019. year, the purchase of the same, but that the regional units solve it in agreement with the local community.

She confirmed that Irena Ilić had been employed under a fixed-term contract in RUGIP since 19. March 2018 to 31. December 2018 years as a senior associate for property and legal affairs.

“This Administration does not decide on conflicts of interest, but the Republic Commission for Determining Conflicts of Interest in the Republika Srpska authorities decides on that,” they defend in RUGIP.

They especially pointed out that they have been announcing a public invitation for the purchase of business premises in Kostajnica for the third year in a row because no one responded.

“We are only in 2018. received an offer that meets all the conditions prescribed by the public call for bids for the purchase of office space in Kostajnica “, Predragović emphasized.

Irena Ilić briefly told CAPITAL that she would not comment on anything.

“There have already been certain announcements and it really doesn’t make sense to comment at all on whether I have real estate or not, whether I sold it or not. I really don’t want to comment on that. “, pointed out Ilic.

4.5 million KM are going to RUGIP this year

In the Survey and Cadastre Affairs Plan for 2019. It is emphasized that the premises will be purchased this year in order to create optimal conditions for the work of organizational units of RUGIP, and for the needs of mass establishment of the real estate cadastre, in the municipalities: Kotor Varos, Laktasi, Stanari, Rogatica, Kostajnica, Drinic, Trnovo, Donji Žabar, Foča, Skelani, Čajniče, Pelagićevo, Oštra Luka, Istični Stari Grad, Berkovići and Kupres.

Transferred, approved, and unspent funds for these purposes amount to 3,102,475 KM .

The procedure of procurement of business premises for the needs of regional units and regional offices in Doboj dio, Nevesinje, Šekovići, Osmaci and Rudo will be carried out in the Plan for 2019, with a total estimated value of 1,400,000 KM .

RUGIP is 2018. bought four business premises

In Vukosavlje, RUGIP bought a space of 89.17 m2 last year, for 110,000 KM.

In Bileća, 468.47 m2 was paid 608,400 KM, and in Celinac 262.51 m2 was bought for 472,518 KM.

Business space was also purchased in Kozarska Dubica, 368.68 m2, for 655,894 KM.

“The purchase of business premises is one of the basic austerity measures determined by the development strategy, because the purchase pays off very quickly because the payment of rent ceases,” they said earlier in RUGIP.

Money from RUGIP has previously gone to party officials

The case in Kostajnica is not the first to show that the money of the citizens of Srpska, through RUGIP, ends up in the pockets of party officials or persons close to political parties.

The CAPITAL portal announced last year that Mićo Mićić rented his business premises to RUGIP for half a million marks!

mićo mićić rugipBijeljina Mayor and Vice President of the Serbian Democratic Party Mićo Mićić, thanks to a four-year contract that is 2015. concluded with RUGIP, will collect about 470,000 KM.

He leased his business space of 469.31 square meters to this institution at a monthly lease price of 9,603 KM, which is twice the average market rental price in Bijeljina, CAPITAL reported.

Also last year, RUGIP bought the facility in Palam for 700,000 KM from Aleksandar Karadzic, the son of the first president of Srpska, Radovan Karadzic. The purchase and renovation of the new building was supposed to cost a total of 940,000 marks.

It is an independent building, located on the main road, across from the Pale bus station, and is not in the center, nor is it luxurious because it has not been invested in since 1996. .

The example in Prijedor shows what RUGIP’s policy is in relation to resolving the issue of accommodation of organizational units.

Namely, RUGIP, by the decision of the court, after eight years, last year was given the opportunity to register as the owner of business premises in Prijedor , but to first pay 4.5 million KM to the company “MG Mind” of Mladen Milanović Kaja. The business premises were bought without resolved property-legal relations, and because of him, the former director of RUGIP, Tihomir Gligorić, was officially fired.

That the purchase of business premises of RUGIP is exempt from the application of the Law on Public Procurement of BiH was stated by the Main Service for Audit of the Public Sector of RS in the report for 2017. year. In that year, RUGIP realized public procurements of business premises with a total value of 1,464,434 KM.

CAPITAL: Svjetlana Šurlan

* The story was published as part of the USAID-funded IMEP Press Support Program

RUGIP troši milione na poslovne prostore stranačkih funkcionera

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