Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) considers scandalous the behavior of the Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republika Srpska, which is trying in every way to hide from the public the agreement on the privatization of the Boska Department Store.
TI BiH is 28. January 2015 he also received a lawsuit against the RS Ministry of Trade and Tourism precisely for failing to submit an agreement on the privatization of Boska and calling for the protection of confidential information without conducting a public interest test. The District Court in Banja Luka then ordered the Ministry to act on the appeal of TI BiH within 30 days, but the Ministry has not yet responded.
The explanation that the contract allegedly disappeared is a clear attempt by the Ministry to avoid acting on a court order and to hide information about the privatization of Boska from the public eye.
TI BiH reminds that proceedings for organized crime and corruption are being conducted against the main actors in the privatization of Boska in Serbia, which is why the public interest in publishing contracts is even greater, and calls on the RS Ministry of Trade and Tourism to act according to the law.
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