Participants were representatives from the Police administration, public prosecutors’ offices, Agency for prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption, Indirect Taxation uthority and other experts involved in investigation and prosecution of corruption.
Number of obstacles and risks for successful fight against corruption in BiH were raised during very constructive and open discussion, such are limited sources of information (low number of individuals are actually reporting corruption due to insufficient protection mechanisms, insufficient capacities of investigative journalism, untimely and inadequate treatment of public auditors’ reports), political interventions and pressures on judiciary, conflicts in determination of jurisdiction, lack of experts in certain fields (for example money laundering and tax issues experts), limitations in access to modern technology, different criteria at various courts and other obstacles. Furthermore, it was highlighted that while there is some progress and good practise in prosecution of so called small corruption cases, Bosnia and Herzegovina still has an insufficient track record of investigation and prosecution in high profile corruption cases.
On the contrary, for the past few years Check Republic is undergoing so called Prosecutors’ revolution, which results in significant progress in prosecution of highest level corruption, due to the positive pressure of certain public prosecutors, media and general public.
With an aim to exchange experiences and best practicies, the project will enable the study visit to Check Republic for several representatives of law enforcemenet bodies from Bosnia and Heregovina, where they wil be able to meet their colleagues from Police administration, prosecutors, judges and NGOs active in the fight against corruption.
Furthemore, issues raised during the round table, as well as good practicies in detection and prosecution of corruption n BiH, will be published in the study which is the final project outcome.
Round table Best practices in Investigation and prosecution of corruption
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