Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) and the Anti-Corruption Civic Organizations’ Unified Network (ACCOUNT) are organizing a regional conference on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day.
Sarajevo, 11th December 2017 – The aim of the conference is to bring together the representatives of relevant institutions from the region, and to present the key activities which are being conducted to prevent and fight corruption. Special emphasis will be put on the issues related to the rule of law and conflict of interest, as well as the exchange of experiences and positive practices in the countries of the Western Balkans.
In addition to the representatives of institution from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the representatives from international institutions, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania will participate as well.
The conference will be attended by the officials from relevant institutions of all government levels in BiH, representatives of international institutions in BiH, and civil society organizations, media and academia in order to present the current state and the best practices in the region and beyond.
The conference will be held on Tuesday, 12th December 2017, at the Hotel Holiday (Zmaja od Bosne, no. 4) at 9.30h. Please find the draft agenda below.
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