Public Call – School on Integrity

School on Integrity Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a School on Integrity based on concept of social integrity system developed by...

School on Integrity

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing a School on Integrity based on concept of social integrity system developed by Transparency International. Integrity system includes all key institutions, sectors or “pillars” which contribute to integrity, transparency and accountability in society, ad which are based on foundations represented by social values and citizens’ awareness.

The School combines academic with practical approach, and it is aimed at developing and acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to young activists and future leaders to have successful social engagement and action of public interest in promoting and developing integrity culture, accountability and transparency.

Participants will complete three three-day modules with the famous experts and long-term practitioners as lecturers. Attendees will be enabled to directly participate in programs of improving the social integrity in BiH, and will develop a project or public policy related to a specific topic under the mentorship of the lecturers, which shall be presented on the day of the final module, and with the support of TI BiH implemented in the future.

Module   I.  Politics, state and society
(November 2019)

Module  II. Citizen, human rights and freedoms

(February/March 2020)

Module III. Leadership and economy

(May 2020)


School on Integrity is intended for the activists of civil society organizations, journalists, political party activists, socially engaged students or undergraduate and postgraduate students involved in research work. The age limit is up to 35. The total number of participants is 25. Participants are expected to be highly motivated to learn about specific topics and take active participation in discussions and work, and to read recommended literature prior to the start of the School on Integrity.

Participation costs

Participation for the selected attendees of the School on Integrity is free, and fully covered by Transparency International in BiH supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Application method

Application can be made in a form of short CV and motivation letter which are to be sent to the following address: no later than 31/10/2019. Contact information: 051/224-520

Modules of School on Integrity will be held in three different locations in BiH, which will be specified after the Public Call is closed.


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