TI BiH again under the attack of the regime

RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, has brought to the public a series of false and offensive charges against Transparency International BiH, which is another attempt to discredit...

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TI BiH again under the attack of the regime

Regional cooperation to improve the transparency of institutions

Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Transparency Croatia and MANS from Montenegro have established regional cooperation in order to establish a system for...

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Regional cooperation to improve the transparency of institutions

Corruption without punishment and consequences

Analysis of the processing of corruption cases before the courts and prosecutor's offices in BiH indicates the inefficiency of the judiciary and the lack of will for a...

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Corruption without punishment and consequences

Progress in the adoption of laws, setbacks in their implementation

Monitoring the progress of the executive and the legislature in implementing anti-corruption reforms has shown that, despite the progress made in adopting and amending...

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Progress in the adoption of laws, setbacks in their implementation

Missed opportunity to improve party accountability and transparency

Inter-ministerial working group for amendments to the Law on Financing of Political Parties missed the opportunity to improve legal solutions, and to provide more rigorous control...

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Missed opportunity to improve party accountability and transparency

Report on the failure of the Commission for Determining Conflicts of Interest

During its existence, the Commission for Determining Conflicts of Interest in the RS Authorities has not identified any cases of conflicts of interest and thus proved that it is...

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Report on the failure of the Commission for Determining Conflicts of Interest

The collapse of state institutions

Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of BiH derogate existing laws, and institutions such as the Audit Office and the Communications Regulatory...

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The collapse of state institutions

False accusations

Stav da bi ukidanje viza koje bi koincidiralo sa početkom izborne kampanje mogao biti zloupotrebljen od vladajuće koalicije, kako bi prikrili katastrofalne rezultate svog rada,...

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False accusations

Closing the list of candidates would be an attack on citizens’ rights

TI BiH warned that changes to the Election Law, which would close the list of candidates in the elections, would provide even greater power to the parties and their leaders, and...

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Closing the list of candidates would be an attack on citizens’ rights

A new set of changes to the law gives the ruling elite absolute power

Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina condemns recent proposals to amend the Law on Conflict of Interest, the Election Law and the Law on Civil Service, by which...

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A new set of changes to the law gives the ruling elite absolute power

TI BiH condemns the police intrusion into the premises of BN Television

The intrusion of police into the premises of BN Television, disabling the work of journalists and harassment of employees lead to a conclusion that the purpose of this police...

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TI BiH condemns the police intrusion into the premises of BN Television

The intrusion of police into the premises of BN Television, disabling the work of journalists and harassment of employees lead to a conclusion that the purpose of this police action was pressuring the work of this media outlet

Fight against corruption passive and inefficient

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina marked the International Anti-Corruption Day by organizing a Conference where it was concluded that the legal and political...

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Fight against corruption passive and inefficient

The CEC does not even know who is in charge

The Central Election Commission of BiH again did not respect the decision of the Court of BiH in the case of Ramiz Dzaferovic, and even pointed out that it could not determine...

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The CEC does not even know who is in charge

Adoption of the Law on Conflict of Interests proposal – discrimination of citizens

The adopted Law on Conflict of Interests proposal is against citizens' interests and protects public officials, and the adoption procedure remained under the veil of secrecy...

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Adoption of the Law on Conflict of Interests proposal – discrimination of citizens

BiH enters the period of dangerous uncertainty

Bosnia and Herzegovina is again the most corrupt country in the region, ranking 99th to 105th on the Corruption Perceptions Index, which is the worst ranking so far...

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BiH enters the period of dangerous uncertainty

TI BIH strongly condemns the efforts of the RS Government to influence the work of the Auditor General

The non-adoption of the report on the work of the Main Public Sector Audit Service in the RS, and the conclusions of the National Assembly of the RS which require external control...

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TI BIH strongly condemns the efforts of the RS Government to influence the work of the Auditor General

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