BiH is Still the Worst in the Region

Izvještaji o napretku Evropske komisije godinama ukazuju na iste probleme u BiH – nedostatak političke volje za borbu protiv korupcije, neefikasno procesuiranje korupcije,...

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BiH is Still the Worst in the Region

Banja Luka 11th October 2012.- The European Commission has published a Progress Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina  2012, which once again points out the inefficiency in curbing corruption in BiH. It is symptomatic that the European Commission has been repeating the same findings and recommendations, which the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to the results of failing to meet the conditions for membership in the European Union, ignore.

In this year’s Progress Report, as well as in those of previous years, has been stated about insufficient implementation of the legal framework regulating the fight against corruption, especially the Law on Conflict of Interest, and the Law on Financing of Political Parties. The European Commission has once again pointed out the incompatibility of the Laws at various levels of government, especially the failure to adopt the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO).

Once again it was warned about the delay on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Agency, and a general lack of capacity of the institutions which are supposed to enforce anti-corruption laws.

Judicial inefficiency and lack of prosecution of major cases of corruption, nepotism in the public sector, incompatibility of regulations in the access to information area, lack of protection of whistleblowers, etc. are problems which the European Commission has been indicating for years.  However, one of the conclusions, which has been repeated, is that BiH is at the beginning of the fight against corruption because of the lack of political consensus, and the fact that the fight against corruption remains only in the promises of the authorities without adequate actions.

TI BiH hopes that this Progress Report will serve as clear message to the leaders in BiH that current frivolous attitude towards the fight against corruption cannot lead BiH to membership in the EU, and the fact that countries in the region have not acquired the candidate status until they started with implementation of anti-corruption reforms and with decisive prosecution of  corruption cases, can serve us as evidence.

The Public Interest Has Been Ignored in the Process of Delivery of Information by the Institutions

Istraživanje TI BiH o primjeni Zakona o slobodi pristupa informacijama pokazuje i dalje prisutnu pravnu nesigurnost u postupku dostavljanja informacija od strane...

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The Public Interest Has Been Ignored in the Process of Delivery of Information by the Institutions

Banja Luka, 28thSeptember 2012- On the occasion of the Freedom of Information Day (28th September) TI BiH has conducted research on determination of the level of implementation of the Freedom of Access to Information Act by the State authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

TI BiH has send 148 requests for access to information, in which contracts on public procurement have been requested, to all ministries at the state level, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Srpska and departments of the Government of Brcko District.

Upon the expiry of the statutory time limit (15 days), out of the total number of the Institutions only 43% have responded promptly, while after direction of urgency another 38% of institutions submitted responses. However, 20% of institutions have not submitted response of any kind. So, due to administrative silence TI BiH has sent 26 complaints on violation of the Freedom of Access to Information Act and the Administrative Procedure Act.

On the other side, in 80% of the cases have failed the delivery of the information in the form of administrative act which suggests a high level of legal uncertainty in the process of providing information still exists in the institutions of BiH.

As well as in the previous research of TI BiH, being conducted every year in the occasion of the International Freedom of Access to Information Day, the apparent practice of improper exemption of public information or the failure to implement the public interest test has been noticed.

One of the causes of the legal uncertainty are decisions of the Agency for Protection of Personal Data, such as the prohibition of publication of assets declarations and limiting access to the judgments of the Court  of BiH, which in practice creates confusion and uncertainty. Considering the fact that the Institutions which should apply the Law on Freedom of Access to Information are not often capable to evaluate in which cases there should be the precedence in publishing information and in which the protection of personal data.

In accordance with the submitted initiatives to amend the Law on Freedom of Information at the entity level, TI BiH has maintained the stand that this should be brought in the line with the Law at the State level, especially in the introduction of sanctions for law violation.  It is necessary to conduct the authentic interpretation of the public interest test in terms of explaining and/or setting of additional evaluation criteria and rules of public interest benefits and social damage, as well as to ensure understanding of the purpose of the public interest test and mandatory rules before deciding not to provide information.

TI BiH is going to continue with its regular activities on the active advocacy of the right of free access to information in order to strengthen its affirmation and civil participation, especially to remember that this is one of the fundamental human rights and prerequisite for the responsible conduct of public institutions.

Street Action in the occasion of International Right to Know Day and Right2Know Party

Transparency International BiH, organizuje uličnu akciju s ciljem obilježavanja 28. septembra, Međunarodnog dana slobode pristupa...

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Street Action in the occasion of International Right to Know Day and Right2Know Party

Banja Luka, 27 September 2012. – On this occasion, TI BiH shall again inform citizens about their rights, how to address the Institutions and seek for information, and methods of exercising their rights.

During the street action, citizens will have an opportunity to fill in the requests for information from the institutions, based on existing templates, on the Transparency International’s booth. The Street Action will be held on the 28th September 2012, on Krajina Square in Banja Luka starting from 13.00.

On the same occasion, on the 28th September TI BiH organizes a party, called Right2Know Party, in DFK club where the performers will be Silicone Soul, a British duo who are considered as leaders of the UK club scene, Fakir (Noise Destruction), Forest People and Spark.

Conference “Informed Citizen – Accountable Government”

Povodom 28. septembra, Međunarodnog dana slobode pristupa informacijama, Transparency International Bosne i Hercegovine (TI BiH) u saradnji sa Ministarstvom vanjskih poslova...

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Conference “Informed Citizen – Accountable Government”

Banja Luka, 26 September 2012 –

On the 28th September, the International Freedom of Information Day, Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, is organizing the conference “Informed Citizen – Accountable Government.”

The right of free access to information has been regarded as one of the fundamental human rights in all democratic countries and is guaranteed by all relevant international documents prescribing fundamental human rights. Without free access to information responsible and democratic governance cannot be imagined, as well as the participation of citizens in decision-making processes. In the past ten years, BiH and the Western Balkans region have moved a long way in the implementation of the right of Access to Information. After the adoption of the legal framework and defining of legal mechanism for access to information, there have still been existing significant challenges in realizing this right.

In accordance, the conference will serve as an opportunity to summarize the current state when it comes to the application of the right of Access to Information and public participation in decision-making in the country and the region, and provide appropriate recommendations based on past experience of the state institutions, civil society organizations and the media.

Corruption is the Biggest Problem in BiH

During the visit, the U.S. delegation talked with the staff of TI BiH about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding effectiveness of the prevention of corruption, TI BiH...

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Corruption is the Biggest Problem in BiH

During the visit, the U.S. delegation talked with the staff of TI BiH about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding effectiveness of the prevention of corruption, TI BiH activities and forthcoming steps in the fight against corruption.

Ambassador Moon emphasized that corruption is the major problem in BiH, and that if BiH wants to join EU everyone has to cope with corruption, including political leaders and citizens.

Executive Director of Transparency International placed particular emphasis on the problem of political corruption and said that according to TI research BiH is the worst in the region by the level of corruption.

Ambasador SAD u posjeti TI BiH

Banja Luka, 17. septembar 2012. – Ambasador Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u BiH, Patrick S. Moon, posjetiće u utorak 18. septembra sjedište Transparency International Bosne i...

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Ambasador SAD u posjeti TI BiH

TI BiH Filed a Complaint Against Narodna stranka Radom za boljitak

Sredstva Ministarstva poljoprivrede FBiH zloupotrijebljena u svrhu promocije...

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TI BiH Filed a Complaint Against Narodna stranka Radom za boljitak

Banja Luka, 12th September 2012 –

Federation Ministry of Agriculture has launched campaign ,,Buy Domestic’’, which is financed from the budget of FBiH and used to promote Jerko Ivankovic- Lijanovic  and political party which he belongs to, at the very beginning of the election campaign. Hereby, the Law on Financing of Political Parties in BiH, by which it is prohibited financing from the budget or state authorities, has clearly been violated.

This campaign is another example of the misuse of public institutions and the budget for party promotion and collecting votes.

TI BiH urges the Central Election Party to sharply punish such abuses and calls to liability the leaders of People’s Party Work for Progress, especially bearing in mind that ,according to the media reports , for this campaign has been spent 330,000 €. TI BiH reminds that such practice is becoming more common in BiH because of the fact that the parties and their representatives are not being punished for law violations.

Only 2,4% of Anti-Corruption Measures have been Fulfiled

Mali broj realizovanih mjera, kašnjenja od dvije godine i kočenje rada Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije dovode u pitanje cjelokupnu primjenu Strategije za borbu protiv...

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Only 2,4% of Anti-Corruption Measures have been Fulfiled

Banja Luka, 8th September 2012.– Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has published the forth periodic report on the monitoring of implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy for BiH (2009-2014). Monitoring results show that after almoust three years from the Strategy adoption, out of the total  number of predicted measures (81), only 2 were fully implemented, 32  partly implemented, while 47 measures (nearly 60%) were not implemented at all.

The dynamic of the Strategy implementation, and the fact that the funds for the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption were provided with a delay  of two years, show there was no true will for its implementation that since the adoption of the Strategy  . However, although the founds have been finally approved by the budget of BiH institutions for 2012, planned number of employees has been reduced from 45 to 29, and its staff training has not started yet. On the one hand, BiH has been burdened by its heavy civil service administration , which is one of the reasons of high corruption level, while on the other hand it skimps on human resource for the most important anti-corruption body.

Hindering the work of the Agency has blocked implementation of other activities envisaged by the Strategy, and other institutions responsible for implementation of the Strategy, including the Council of Ministers, showed no initiative in the implementation of the measures, such as the modernization of public administration, protection of whistleblowers, staff training, improving procedures of  confiscation of illegally acquired assets, improving investigation for more efficient prosecution of corruption, etc.

Although some institutions have adopted their own anti-corruption plans, as it is envisioned by the Strategy, it was done on their own initiative, not under strategic guidance of the Agency, which clearly describes the attitude and approach to implementation of this important document.

Once they have finally fulfilled conditions for the commencement of the work of the Agency for the Fight against Corruption, the following essential steps will be to ensuring its integrity and independence, and then taking immediate and decisive actions on the implementation of the Strategy. Therefore, TI BiH appeals to all BiH institutions responsible for the implementation of the Strategy, to ensure smooth operation of the Agency, in particular to the Council of ministers whose indolence resulted in losing two years of work and questioned the overall implementation of the Strategy.

Increasing Number of Reports on Corruption

U prvih šest mjeseci 2012. TI BiH je primio 112 prijava građana, među kojima i dalje prednjače prijave nepravilnosti u procesu...

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Increasing Number of Reports on Corruption

Banja Luka, 4th September 2012 – During the period from the 1st January to the 30th June 2012 Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) of Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina has received 112 civil complaints on the work of state authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is 35% more than last year. The highest number of reported cases, during this period, is related to the public administration sector (12%), followed by property rights (10.7%), education and access to information (9%) conflict of interest, and construction ⁄ public works.

As well as in the past two years, most of the reports in all areas were related to the irregularities and abuses in employment, where the apparent bias in the selection of candidates for various positions was noticed. The highest number of reports, even ten, refers to irregularities in conduction of competition for civil servants at all levels of the government, and employment of the staff in public enterprises and institutions. Also, three reports on irregular undergoing of appointments at all levels were received.  On the other hand, there were cases where the conditions for competitions were adjusted to pre-selected candidates.

It was noticed that the authorities do not inform people who have not passed the competitive hiring process, so that they do not provide a legal remedy in statutory time limit, during which it is possible to realize legal protection of their rights, and it is impossible to find out the criteria by which an applicant was appointed to the civil service and whether the same can satisfy conditions of the competition. In one of these cases, after a month of requesting the information, TI BiH received a response from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management that the evaluation of the candidates in the interviews was carried out in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Commission, which was not available anywhere and that “the score given by each individual member of the committee is a secret“, which certainly leaves space for arbitrary evaluation.

TI BiH has continued focusing on conflicts of interest at various levels of government. Apart from keeping track on the 7 cases launched in 2012, in the first half of 2012 two new allegations on conflict of interest were submitted and forwarded to the Central Election Commission.  However, after submitting these reports, it is very difficult to get information on the actions taken in determining the existence of conflicts of interest. Therefore, TI BiH filed a complaint for not allowing insight into the case and  for exclusion of information in the case of determining conflict of interest of Nermin Niksic, for whom TI BiH was the one who filed a complaint to the Central Election Commission of BiH because the Prime Minister of FBiH signed a decree about appointing his brother to the position of Acting Executive Director of the public company ’’Federation Highways’’.

In Republic of Srpska, acting on a complaint by Transparency International BiH, RS Supreme Court has established the existence of conflict of interest in the case of Zvornik Municipal Assembly member, and ordered the Republic Commission for determining conflict of interest in institutions of RS to reopen the procedure, determine the existence of conflict of interest and to impose corresponding sanctions. These sanctions have not been implemented towards the elected official.

Despite the increase in the number of complaints is noticeable, citizens requests are still being visibly ignored by the institutions, for which citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina address TI BiH, asking t for help in dealing with public institutions. An increasing number of received complaints indicates to the greater willingness of citizens to fight for their rights and oppose corruption, which is one of the main prerequisites for holding the government accountable to citizens, and TI BiH again invites all of those who were witnesses or victims of corruption to report all irregularities to the institutions or through the toll-free phone line 0800 55555.

Collegium of House of Representatives violated parliamentary procedures

Kolegij Predstavničkog doma Parlamentarne skupštine BiH prekršio je pravne procedure stavljajući na dnevni red prijedlog Zakona o sukobu interesa, a da nije objelodanjen...

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Collegium of House of Representatives violated parliamentary procedures

By introducing the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of BiH (first reading) on the agenda of BiH Parliament House of Representatives and not disclosing its content or authorized proponent, the Members of the Collegium violated the procedure seriously and threatened to cause total legal uncertainty with immeasurable consequences.

Namely, the agenda that was submitted to the Representatives of BiH Parliament House of Representatives, under the item 5 mentioned discussion on the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of BiH (first reading), without disclosing the date and the number of the protocol, which is a common practice in parliamentary procedure.

BiH Parliament House of Representatives Collegium committed a serious violation of parliamentary procedure by putting non-exiting act up for discussion , which is unprecedented in democratic practice.

Once again, these actions clearly demonstrate that certain political parties are capable of violating the legal norms in institutions of BiH in order to achieve their own interest- in this case the complete abolition of conflict of interest in BiH.

Therefore, TI BiH invites the Legislative Committee and all representatives of the House of representatives to prevent such illegal act committed by the Collegium, and to return the whole process of making legislation to the legal and transparent procedures prescribed by the Rules of Procedures. The Representatives of BiH Parliament House of Representatives should immediately stop the tyranny and arbitrary interpretation of the regulations of the Collegium members, who have lately taken upon themselves a role that does not belong to them and which is often contrary to the procedural regulations.

Otherwise, there is concern of complete legal anarchy that could lead to a situation in which the contents of laawa, will be known only after adoption, even to the lawmakers in the highest legislative body, because adaption of laws in this  way becomes totally non-transparent and prevents access to the process of their adoption.

TI BiH has Appealed to the Constitutional Commission to Reject Amendments to the Law on Financing Political Parties

Transparency International BiH podsjeća da je Interresorna radna grupa za izmjene Zakona prekršila pravila za izradu pravnih propisa, te da su predložena rješenja usmjerena na...

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TI BiH has Appealed to the Constitutional Commission to Reject Amendments to the Law on Financing Political Parties

Banja Luka 01 June 2012 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) has appealed to the Constitutional Commission of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly to reject the amendments to the Law on Financing of Political Parties, considering the fact that by making changes to the Law in parliamentary procedure the rules for drafting legislation have been violated.

TI BiH has already warned that the Interdepartmental Working Group for amendments to the Law on Financing of Political Parties has violated the Uniform Rules for Legislative Drafting in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which dictate that the amendments to legislation should not exceed half of the content of the Act. Namely, in the case of the Law on Financing Political Parties 16 out of 29 Acts of the currently applicable law has been amended, accounting for 60% of the content. In this way, the members of the Interdepartmental Working Group have not only circumvented the rules and procedures, they have also acted contrary to the mandate entrusted by the Parliamentary Assembly.

It should be remarked that the proposed amendments to the Law on Financing of Political Parties, which include raising the limit on donations to parties and legalization of certain revenue sources that have so far been restricted, while at the same time the recommendations of international institutions to increase transparency and control over the use of funds have not been followed, strive to enable the  additional benefit to political parties as well as influence of the donor on the parties’ activities.

Therefore, the TI BiH hopes that the Constitutional Committee will recognize clear violation of the procedures as well as the adversity of the proposed solutions, and during amendment review process (4th July 2012.) will reject the amendments to the Law on Financing Political Parties. Otherwise, it will leave the possibility for abusing similar procedures in the future, which may result in a complete collapse of the legal framework.

[:bs]TI BiH na konsultacijama sa Evropskom komisijom ukazao na nazadovanje BiH u antikorupcijskim reformama

Transparency International BiH je Evropskoj komisiji ukazao na opstrukciju u primjeni antikorupcijskih zakona, kao i nazadovanje po pitanju reformi zakonskog...

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[:bs]TI BiH na konsultacijama sa Evropskom komisijom ukazao na nazadovanje BiH u antikorupcijskim reformama

Inter-sectorial working group violated the Uniform Rules for Legislative Drafting

Upućivanje izmjena i dopuna Zakona o sukobu interesa i Zakona o finansiranju političkih partija BiH u formi u kojoj ih je usvojila Interresorna radna grupa predstavlja grubo i...

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Inter-sectorial working group violated the Uniform Rules for Legislative Drafting

Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) referred to the Constitutional Commission of the House of People Parliamentary Assembly a reaction on the occasion of amendments to the Law on conflict of Interest in the BiH Institutions and the Law on Financing of Political Parties of BiH, which was compiled by the Interdepartmental Working Group.

In drafting of amendments to the aforementioned laws, members of the Inter-sectorial working group did not abide by the Uniform Rules of Legislative Drafting in BiH Institutions, which dictate that amendments to legislation must not exceed half the contents of the act. Namely, in the case of the Law on conflict of Interest and the Law on Financing of Political Parties of BiH these rules were not respected-in the Law on Conflict of Interest 16 out of 22 articles have been changed, which in general represent a change of 73 percent of the Law, and in the Law on Financing of Political Parties of BiH 16 out of currently existing 29 articles have been changed, representing 60 percent of the content of the Act.

By referring to the parliamentary procedure of the new legislative drafts under the auspice of the amendments, although it presents a change of nearly 80 percent of the applicable law provision, the Uniform Rules of Legislative Drafting are not only violated, also the members of the Interdepartmental Working Group acted contrary to the mandate entrusted to them by the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

Since the adoption of such proposed amendments to the law presents a violation of basic law drafting procedures, TI BiH invited the Chairman and the members of the Legal Constitutional Committee of the House of People of Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to abandon the established laws and to put the whole process back to the legitimate and legal framework of the Uniform Rules of Legislative Drafting.

Unscrupulous derogation of the Legal Framework for Prevention of Conflict of Interest has been Continued

Sarajevo, 26th April 2012. – Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, established at the session by...

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Unscrupulous derogation of the Legal Framework for Prevention of Conflict of Interest has been Continued

Sarajevo, 26th April 2012. – Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, established at the session by Interdepartmental Working Group on Tuesday, 24th April, have not only made that act completely irrelevant and pointless, but  they are definitely trying to legalize crime and corruption of elected and appointed officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On the earlier session at the beginning of April on Jahorina, members of the Interdepartmental Working Group under defined solutions voted for the provisions of the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of BiH that would fully exclude advisers, significantly reduce the number of close relatives of elected officials on whom these provisions will be implemented, terminate sanction of candidacy, although the court has ruled that it is not inconsistent with the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Civil Liberties, and have not been replaced by other appropriate sanction. Subsequently, new corrections have made the conflict of interest and its prevention completely ruined and pointless.

Therefore, on the session of the Interdepartmental Working Group a precedent has been made, and with later intervention, proposed by member Nermina Zaimović – Uzunović from SDP, from  already established Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of BiH it has been excluded provision on exemption of incompatibility of public office and elected appointed officials referring to the simultaneously conducting positions of Chairmen of public and other facilities. The proposal of the member Zaimović – Uzunović to introduce the provision which would provide amnesty to those who have already been sanctioned by prohibition of nomination because of conflict of interest, clearly indicates that the elected officials instead of fighting crime and corruption turned to their introduction in the legal institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

If the Constitutional Commission of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly accepts the Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in the Governmental Institutions of BiH, that Parliamentary body which should protect the Constitution of Bosnia and legality will be directed to their collapse. Considering that  the solutions determined by the Interdepartmental Working Group contain more than 50 percent of substantial changes to the current Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental  Institutions of BiH, in no case it can be seen as the work on amendments to the existing law, but represents making of entirely new piece of legislation which is not The Interdepartmental Working Group’s  mandate.

Therefore, if the Constitutional Committee gives a positive report and support the principles of established solutions, their members would with their vote suspend legality and constitutionality of the adoption of legislation by the Parliamentary Assembly. The same applies to the amendments to the Law on Financing of Political Parties  in BiH established by the Interdepartmental Working Group, which contain more than 75 percent of the valid modification of the legal act. These legal solutions established by the Interdepartmental Working Group are fully  in the service of the protection of elected and appointed officials from accountability and the fight to legalize such a situation.

Every Forth Student has had personal experience with corruption

Velike razlike u stavovima između studenata i profesorima – studenti mnogo ozbiljnije shvataju problem korupcije i njene posljedice po kvalitet obrazovanja, dok profesori...

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Every Forth Student has had personal experience with corruption

Banja Luka, 11th April 2012. –Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) has presented a study on the Corruption Perception Research in Higher Educationin BiH, as well as the familiarity of university personel with anti-corruption legislation in higher education. The aim of the research has been to gather attitudes about the the level of corruption in higher education in BiH, in which area it occurs, how it manifests, and ways of fighting against corruption and preventing it. The survey was conducted in all university centers throughout BiH, and has also included both private and public universities.

The study showed significant differences in attitudes between university professors and students. While most students see corruption as a widespread phenomenon, and even as the dominant characteristic of universities, university personnel deny or relativize the true extent of corruption.

The results indicate on a devastating fact that almost every forth student has got personal encounter with corruption- has paid for positive grades or it has been requested for him to somehow pay for it.  On the other side, students, as the most widespread forms of corruption at their universities, consider: giving/receiving positive grades for money or some other compensation (45%), conditioning exam taking by purchasing books (15%),  when teachers and other personnel  “push” their children through the study (they provide vertical mobility) (6%), every form of receiving undeserved grades (7%).

On the other side, the personnel have expressed more concern about the unmerited promotion of professors and violation of the prescribed rules in the educational process.

According to students’ conviction, these processes are most convenient for corruption to occur: taking exams in private (no witnesses), usually held in cabinets, oral examination, failure to follow scheduled test dates and informal gatherings of students with professors and professor assistants, and developing inappropriate relationships.

Both students and university personnel mainly consider that corruption is equally the fault of professors and students at the universities. However, for inefficiency in combating corruption, students blame the ministries of education and judicial authorities, while on the other side university personnel put greater responsibility  on the management structure of the university.

There are differences in attitudes on the damaging effects of corruption on knowledge quality and obtained diplomas. While the majority of students (36,6%) consider that knowledge quality is  jeopardized, and that most of diplomas are obtained without adequate knowledge, the majority of professors feel that corruption has no major impact on the level of knowledge and diplomas.

Particularly worrying is the readiness of students (46%) to resort to corruption when they do not have other way to pass the exam. At the same time, the willingness of professors and students to engage themselves in anti-corruption actions still mostly come down to the level of writing anonymous reports.

When it comes to anti-corruption measures, generally, students and personnel prefer taking strict, repressive measures and count on deterred effect of stricter penalties, passing stricter laws, as well as consistent and effective prosecution of offenders.

Research on awareness of employees at universities of anti-corruption legislation has demonstrated a high degree of ignorance of the specific regulations relating to corruption in higher education, and that vast majority of employees have not been familiar with whether the implementation of anti corruption measures are conducted at their universities or not, and on what degree is their application. According to the response of employees, the reasons for this situation is, the lack of interest in preventing corruption in academic area (8.2%), inefficient systems and resources to put into practice the application of regulations (5.1%), confusion due to unregulated legislation of relations between state and entity and canton (4.3%), general social crisis (3.9%) or the fact that university management does not perceive certain actions as corruption (2%).

All of the above results indicate that there is still no systematic approach to the fight against corruption at universities, and that it is based on the will of individuals to cope with this phenomenon. This is the reason why the conducted research will be used as the base for further activities by TI BiH in the area of prevention of corruption in higher education. Above all, they present the knowledge which will be used in creation anti-corruption plans, which public universities committed to adopt.

Presentation of Research on Corruption in Higher Education

Transparency International BiH predstaviće u Banjaluci rezultate istraživanja o stavovima nastavnog osoblja i studenata o korupciji na univerzitetima, kao i o upoznatosti...

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Presentation of Research on Corruption in Higher Education

Banja Luka, 9th April 2012.- Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organising a press conference in order to present the results of Corruption Perception Research in Higher Educationin BiH, as well as the familiarity of university personel with anti-corruption legislation in higher education.

The aim of the research has been to gather attitudes about the extent of the level of corruption in higher education in BiH, in which areas does it occur, how it manifests, and ways of fighting against corruption and preventing it.

The conducted studies represent the base for further activities of TI BiH in the area of prevention of corruption in higher education.  Above all, they present the knowledge which will be used in creation of anti-corruption plans, which six public universities have committed to adopt.

The press conference, and the research presentation, will be held on Wednesday, 11th April 2012. at 11.00 am in Banja Luka in the Hotel Bosna.


11:00 Introduction- Presentation of the Aims of the Research

Srđan Blagovčanin,Executive Director of Transparency International

11:05 Presentation of the Corruption Perception Research in Higher Education

PhD Najil Kurtić, director of research

11:15 The results of familiarity with anti-corruption laws

Ivana Korajlić,Transparency International Project Manager

11:20 Questions

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