Banja Luka, 25. November 2014 – Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina considers that the proposal to repeal the newly adopted Rulebook on Conflict of Interest of Members of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, ie the amendment of Article 4. of this Ordinance, is an attempt to avoid sanctions for conflict of interest through amendments or repeal of the Ordinance, in which, according to media reports, Jovan Čizmović, one of the members of the Council.
Namely, the disputed Article 4. which seeks to change, stipulates that a member of the HJPC who has applied for a judicial office, or whose relative has applied for a position in the judiciary, is obliged to resign at the time of application. According to media reports, it was the son of the proposer of these changes who applied for a position in the judiciary, and in that case Mr. Čizmović was obliged to resign even then. Instead, he uses his position to simply repeal these rules and remain in office, while at the same time being able to influence the decision-making process on appointing his son to one of the positions in the judiciary.
TI BiH calls on the members of the HJPC to reject this proposal and show the elementary level of integrity of the institution itself, and on the other hand, if it turns out that Cizmovic is in conflict of interest, act according to the provisions of the Rulebook, which require his resignation.
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