Non-governmental organizations are initiating the process of creating the BiH Action Plan within the OGP
22 July 2015
The Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations consisting of Transparency International of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Civic Advocacy – CPI Foundation, Center for Social Research Analytics, Why Not and the Center for Investigative Reporting, within the Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative invites everyone interested in participating in the process of creating the BiH Action Plan within the OGP.
The NGO Coalition has been working for more than two years to advocate and educate the government and civil society on the Partnership. As a result, BiH joined the Partnership in September 2014. and thus took responsibility for taking measures to implement the principle of open government.
The next step after joining the OGP is to create an Action Plan which obliges member states to take a number of measures and activities over a period of two years to improve the transparency and accountability of government. Therefore, the NGO Coalition will continue its activities to help BiH institutions create the first Action Plan, and will organize meetings and public consultations in the next three months, in order to define proposed measures for the first Action Plan.
The OGP action planning process encourages cooperation between government and civil society, so representatives of public institutions, civil society organizations, academia and citizens are expected to attend these meetings.
On this occasion, we invite all interested parties to register and join the meetings of the working groups, which will be held in Sarajevo and which are divided according to thematic units:
- Working group 1. – Access to information (July 29, 2015)
- Working group 2. – Public participation, information technology and open data (August 21, 2015);
- Working group 3. – Fiscal transparency, operation of public enterprises, integrity of government and new proposed measures (September 18, 2015).
More details on how to apply for the mentioned meetings, the schedule of working group meetings and the proposed measures can be found here .
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