Banja Luka, October 19, 2011 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) disapproves new attempts of Republic of Srpska Government to challenge the role and work of the Supreme Audit Office for the Public Sector Auditing of RS.
The Government’s proposal to revise the Audit Service, after following the Auditor’s report on the budget’s fulfillment that indicates a much larger deficit than the Government has presented, represents a clear attempt to exert pressure on the Supreme Audit Office, avoiding any responsibility of the RS Government for expenditure of the budgetary resources.
On the other hand, placing the Audit Service under Government’s scrutiny represents a direct attack on the independence of this institution and such a step would reduce the role of the audit, particularly bearing in mind that its findings have not been respected nor the recommendations of this institution have been applied yet.
TI BiH urges the executive power once again to stop interfering with the institutional work that should play an oversight role, and to allow at least a minimal level of independence and the smooth running of these institutions in order to make the Government of Republic of Srpska accountable for its actions.
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