Sarajevo, December 5, 2012 – Transparency International published the Corruption Perceptions Index 2012, which ranks Bosnia and Herzegovina 72nd out of 176 countries this year with a score of 42 (on the scale of 0-100). That is still below the midpoint of 50, placing Bosnia and Herzegovina below most European countries. CPI also shows that majority of 176 countries scored below the average, indicating that corruption represents a serious threat throughout the world.
The index shows Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot be complacent with its ranking given its aspirations of becoming a member of the European Union. The only state to join the EU in the region of the former Yugoslavia over the last 10 years is Slovenia with a CPI rank of 37, showing that BIH has a long path to go in fighting corruption, to be considered a serious partner within EU.
Furthermore, CPI shows that BiH remains closely-ranked with countries where corruption is a major problem, and a barrier to growth, stability and investment. Bosnia and Herzegovina shares 72nd position with Sao Tome and Principe and Italy. When it comes to countries from the region the highest ranked is still Slovenia (37th), while the lowest ranked is Albania (113th).
The results of the new CPI indicate that Bosnia and Herzegovina is stagnating, as seen in other surveys that show that there is no progress in fighting corruption in BiH. European Commission warned only two months ago that corruption is prevalent and that no significant efforts have been invested in tackling this issue, including a total lack of implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy. Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to face with high-level political corruption, non-transparent management and misappropriation of public funds, through dubious subventions and public procurement, and corruption in public sector, in order to move up on the CPI list.
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