The Open Government Partnership is global multilateral initiative that promotes transparency and openness of public authorities, and its participating countries are committed to undertake specific measures and actions in the areas of transparency, strengthening of citizens’ participation in governance, fight against corruption, introduction of new technologies in order to make public administration as efficient as possible. 63 countries are participating in the OGP initiative and every year that number grows. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only country in the region that has not joined the Initiative.
The conference on the Open Government Partnership will gather representatives of government, public institutions, civil society, the media and international community in BiH, as well as international experts and participants in the Open Government Partnership initiative, in order to provide an insight into international standards of government openness and comparative practice of other countries participating the Initiative, and also to discuss about challenges and opportunities for BiH in relation to the principles promoted by the OGP.
The conference will be held on Monday, 9th June, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, with the beginning at 10.30 a.m. The agenda is attached below.
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