Coalition of NGOs announces the third working meeting to define the action proposals for the Action Plan of BiH within the Open Government Partnership
04 September 2015
Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Social Research Analitika and coalition of NGOs responsible for the initiative the Open Government Partnership (OGP) shall organize a meeting to define the action proposals and initiate the public consultations for the preparation of the first Action Plan of BiH within the OGP initiative.
The meeting will be held on Monday, 21st September 2015, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, starting at 11.00 h.
This will be the opportunity to define the action proposals for the first Action Plan of BiH in the field of fiscal transparency and strengthening of the public institutions’ integrity, but also to define new proposals which have not been considered so far. The Action Plan is a two-year strategic document by which the member states of the OGP initiative shall be strongly obliged to achieve the set goals.
In the past two months there were two meetings of this kind which were attended by the representatives of public institutions, as well as the representatives of NGOs in BiH. The discussion referred to the set of action proposals regarding free access to information, the key priorities concerning the transparency of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and specific activities that public institutions, in cooperation with civil society, should undertake in order to improve the transparency of the government and increase the participation of civil society when bringing decisions of public interest. The participants also emphasized and defined actions which shall provide the launch of central portals for the announcement of open data in BiH, the establishment of online platform at BiH and entity level to perform consultations regarding the enactment of laws and other regulations, and the improvement of application of the law on free access to information at all levels of government.
A coalition of NGOs continue to support the institutions of BiH in creating the first Action Plan through the organization of meetings and public consultations aimed at defining the set of actions for the first Action Plan within the Open Government Partnership. Considering that the process of action planning promotes and encourages the cooperation between the government and the civil society, all representatives of relevant public institutions, civil society, academic community and citizens are welcomed to participate.
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