Banja Luka, 10. October 2014 – On the occasion of the publication of the European Union Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2014. Transparency International BiH expects that the Report will serve as a basis for stronger engagement and support of the EU BiH, in order to prevent further collapse of the institutional framework and basic functions of the state. The unequivocal role of the country’s top political leadership in organized criminal activities, absolute party control over all public resources and the complete paralysis of law enforcement institutions seriously threaten to completely destabilize the country and provoke conflicts and riots. Expressions of civil discontent were already seen in February this . Since then, the dissatisfaction of the citizens has further increased due to the complete absence of organized prevention and remediation of the consequences of the floods, which, in addition to material damage, has resulted in the loss of human lives.
Earlier this year, as part of the Structural Dialogue on Judicial Reform, TI BiH launched an initiative to identify key cases of corruption by the EU, which law enforcement agencies must address as a matter of priority, and involving the country’s top officials. Also, in the process of resolving cases, it is necessary to provide additional technical assistance to prosecutors’ offices and law enforcement institutions.
The report published by the European Commission actually confirms that in BiH not only there is no progress in the implementation of reforms, but that in key areas, such as the fight against corruption and public administration, BiH is moving in a completely opposite direction.
The Progress Report reiterates the problem of pressures and political control over the work of the judiciary, as well as inefficiencies in prosecuting major corruption cases and a lack of judicial capacity to prosecute economic, financial and public procurement crimes. Progress in implementing public administration reform and improving its capacity to meet EU requirements was also assessed as very limited, and concerns were expressed about the inefficiency and non-functioning of public administration at all levels of government.
Unfortunately, EU warnings and increasingly negative progress reports have not only not influenced BiH leaders to take responsibility and take more decisive action in bringing BiH closer to the European Union, but leaders have shown a lack of interest in implementing reforms, especially in the fight against corruption and corruption. rule of law. All this leads to the conclusion that EU policies and messages towards BiH must be far clearer and more concrete, in order to change the negative political dynamics in the country.
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