Banja Luka, 12th September 2012 –
Federation Ministry of Agriculture has launched campaign ,,Buy Domestic’’, which is financed from the budget of FBiH and used to promote Jerko Ivankovic- Lijanovic and political party which he belongs to, at the very beginning of the election campaign. Hereby, the Law on Financing of Political Parties in BiH, by which it is prohibited financing from the budget or state authorities, has clearly been violated.
This campaign is another example of the misuse of public institutions and the budget for party promotion and collecting votes.
TI BiH urges the Central Election Party to sharply punish such abuses and calls to liability the leaders of People’s Party Work for Progress, especially bearing in mind that ,according to the media reports , for this campaign has been spent 330,000 €. TI BiH reminds that such practice is becoming more common in BiH because of the fact that the parties and their representatives are not being punished for law violations.
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