As in many other areas, countries in the region have made significant progress in comparison with B&H in terms of preventing and sanctioning conflict of interest of public officials. Since the Law on Conflict of Interest was adopted 11 years ago, the only visible initiatives were taken to further weaken the legal framework, including the recent amendments to the act.
Considering this fact, the regional conference on conflict of interest intents to exchange experiences and examples between the countries of the region and this is an opportunity to create recommendations for improving the situation in B&H. It will be also discussed about the media coverage of this issue and corruption in general, as well as the control of assets decarations in the region, which presents the basis of the prevention of illegitimate enrichment of public officials.
Conference participants will be the representatives of the institutions for implementation of the laws on conflict of interest – Central Election Committee, Commission for Determining Conflict of Interest in the Government of the Republic of Srpska, Commission for Prevention of Conflict of Interest of Montenegro, Anti-Corruption Agency Serbia, as well as the Association BH Journalists. Additional conference participants will be representatives of NGOs, the media, legislation and international institutions.
The conference will take place on Wednesday on 13November 2013 at 11:00 at Hotel “Bosna” in Banja Luka.
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